Name purges for Cata please?


Ton of good names were taken and unused since Classic Launch in 2019. It’s been 3-4 years now and 3 xpac re-releases. Can we PLEASE have a purge of inactive names? Especially on RP servers and destination servers for Transfers?


Yes as I have said previously yes. I thought this was something that happened automatically but I guess it never applied to Classic or something

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pls do it i wanna take this Z off

Define “inactive” though…

  1. active sub/paying customer player that just so happens to have his favorite names reserved on some level 1s for possible future use?
  2. unsubbed player/non-customer that doesn’t even play the game and simply has a bunch of alts with reserved names collecting dust?

If you’re talking about the first one, too bad. Active/paying customers should get to reserve as many unique names as they please imo

It’s finders keepers, just like how people who show up to the parking lot early get all the best/close-to-the-front-door parking spots

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No.1 happens on Retail sometimes, but it required a lot more time of not logging on at all. Those names do get purged if inactive and not max level.

But it was more on no.2 as we’ve had people who took names, but never made it past lv 20 or past phase 1 back in 2019 and quit.

Too little too late, unless they’re going to offer people a free rename to use the liberated names. Even if you free up all my names which were taken, I’m not paying for renames to claim them.

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It would give you a free rename (if you lost the name and resubbed years later). It’s like when you transfer to a server and your name is already taken there. It’s free of charge.

Usually you put in a ticket and ask for a name to be released, has to be inactive for something like 2 years.

There’s one name that I want for my 26th mage that I’m unable to get since I moved to the server I am on now. I really want it. No, I’m not telling any of you the name.

Should be happening soon.

I believe they said they would for WotLK, but that never happened.

Nice to see some confirmation that it wasn’t working as intended and that a fix is happening (soon).

Fingers crossed that it’s working for prepatch next week or cata release.