Name at least ONE thing you like about TWW

  1. The zones are beautiful
  2. The music is awesome
  3. The hero talents are fun
  4. The new dungeons will be great in m+

I’m a total dork for music and this expansion tracks. Definitely loving it a ton.

Logging in I hear that oldy folky motif. Sounds kinda like a Hurdy Gurdy


Fungus / / /

I am not enjoying the expansion so far and probably wont resub but I think the spider zone is cool and reminds me of Suramar which I adored. Look forward to completing it in a year when its not timegated.

i’ve had time to max almost 4 maybe 5 characters before the season even started /shrug whether thats somethining to enjoy or not is for you to decide.

I’m also fascinated with the cinderbrew meadery. I wanna learn more about it and I love the cinderbrew bees and I wanna catch em all and be the ultimate cinderbrew bee trainer

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Faerins prosthetic shield

Zones look great
Music sounds great
Flying from the start
Warbound bank
Warbound rep
Breezy campaign and questing/leveling
Delves are good
Gameplay is as good as ever
New zones are immersive and has lots of little secrets to find

It’s still early, but I’m very pleased with what we have so far. If blizzard maintains this for the whole expansion, TWW will easily be my favorite one so far.

  • The side quests are actually really good from a narrative perspective. Feels a lot like old school WoW with a bunch of random secondary slice of life stuff going on that still feels tied directly into the main story going on.

  • Delves are really well done.

  • Warbands are what we’ve wanted and needed for years.

  • Also, I’m so glad to see them properly do something involving Moira in the main story. Despite the fact that she’s probably one of the better most well written and generally developed characters in Warcraft history, a lot of folks never really knew much about her since all of her content always happened on the side. Nice to see her up front and in the spotlight for a change. On a related note, I absolutely love the fact that Moira is not only happy that her kid is a bookworm, but she is super encouraging towards his academic endeavors. Not only because she is his mom, but because she never wants him to feel like Magni made her feel growing up. Just such a neat character building/development touch they didn’t have to do but did anyway.

  • Hallowfall. all of it, it just looked pretty. Beledar changing between light and dark is cool.

  • Dawnbreaker dungeon was cool (despite annoying LoS bugs).

  • Ahj’Kahet is cool. Reminds me of Suramar.

  • Hunter Rework from Prepatch. hooray for double Survival of the Fittest charges!

  • Cinderbees and Cloudrooks look cool, and I can tame them for my hunter.

  • XP buff for alts from hitting level 80

  • The Rock Buddy from Fishing

  • Barrel of Fireworks Toy. it’s a training dummy that shoots fireworks as you dps. awesome!

  • The Blame Redirection Device…not that I’ll ever use it I just think it’s funny.

  • The Portable Profession Possibility Projector from Engineering. I thought the “cooking” option was funny.

  • Race change masks from enchanting

Hoping I can add Delves and Story mode raids to the list once Season 1 starts, but it’s too early to tell for me. Delves have Potential, Tier 3 of delves are too easy, and not rewarding enough to make the list imo, (but that makes sense considering it’s only the 3rd level anyway) and story mode isn’t out yet, because the raid isn’t out yet.

also really interested in the “Mage Tower” delve specifically. I think that can also make the list if it’s fun, but I’m curious how blizz is going to balance it to be difficult for all classes.


I like that she has a plain shield and a variant where its bigger and has a fire on it.

Its just sweet she’s got shields for multiple scenarios.

I like that it looked so boring that I didn’t need to spend any money on it.


guess I like the choice of activities for the main weekly, although I think most times it will be world quests since I am already running 10 characters and that is the one activity available to all

Actually I liked having comp stomp first week too. That almost entirely paid for levelling up my crafting on my 8 crafting characters. Extremely profitable that was.

flurry strikes makes a super satisfying sound. can’t get enough of it

The xpac got my favorite soundtrack since BFA.

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Almost forgot my favorite NPC introduced in the game so far:

Alyza Bowblaze

I am so going to keep my eyes on this little nugget of psycho badassery awesomeness.
I hope we get to see her grow up and continue being awesome in the years to come the same way we got to for the Blood Elf Horde orphan girl from the Horde side of Children’s Week event.


I really like the interaction of using spell queue to double dip Arcane Barrage and Arcane Blast with Burden of Power on Arcane Mage.

Oh wait.

Delves, wue gear and account wide rep. Warband bank and shareable crafting reagents

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I think it was play fighting with orphans/children to entertain them. You could also do that mini-jumping game during it, too!

Oh yeah the “pretend to be a monster” bit, that was adorbs

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