Hi there, I’ve sent you a friend request on discord. Keep an eye out for ‘Wayward’
the first name on this thread that i liked because its funny
Carlos, Sven, Marzia, Delta, Mauve, Sawyer, Salomi, Cyrilla, Sylvari, Trace, Briella, Saige, Karla, Monicat, Briana, Irene, Judith, Noelle, Nobara, Nezuko, Muzan, Shorty, Mummy, Avaka, and Evilyn are names on MG I have for sale/trade! Discord @ makifoxgirl
Released the names:
Lun, Ene, Storming, Moocher, Uhuh, Steep, and Crease!
I used to have the name Muffins and sold it to someone last year, I might still have them on my bnet. I’ll try to remember who they are and reach out to them if able to (=
Still looking for.
Khara, Reed, Fate, Trick
Send me a message in-game.
Looking for “Toko” and “Blunder” if anyone might have them <3 Feel free to send this toon a message via in-game mail <3
Hi everyone (:
I am looking for the name "Arlo’ on Moon Guard.
I can pay a good amount of gold for it or trade names.
I have the names:
Aragorn, Bambina, Cherrypie, Clawdeen, and Homesick. Those are only up for trade if you have the name Arlo.
You can send ingame mail to this toon, or DM me on discord: rabidchapel
Interested in trading or gold, add me (battle.net) Rift#11234
Moon Guard Names:
- Angled
- Bloater
- Brawlers
- Briaunna
- Bros
- Burned
- Capsule
- Castro
- Cerebro
- Cis
- Conduct
- Custom
- Dates
- Debut
- Depends
- Deter
- Dilute
- Directly
- Disk
- Dislike
- Diversity
- Does
- Dred
- Enabled
- Ensure
- Falsify
- Fault
- Feat
- Firing
- Flawsome
- Frame
- Freshen
- Fund
- Going
- Grodd
- Grungy
- Headway
- Herd
- Homecoming
- Influence
- Knocked
- Lack
- Lid
- Lied
- Lot
- Mile
- Needful
- Onlooker
- Outta
- Patroller
- Phasma
- Pinch
- Pour
- Presence
- Privilege
- Pros
- Provision
- Rapid
- Rattle
- Reilly
- Relinquish
- Required
- Returnal
- Rubbing
- Ruck
- Salon
- Scarves
- Sector
- Shed
- Sico
- Staffer
- Steed
- Stem
- Substitute
- Supposed
- Swarmer
- Threats
- Tire
- Told
- Voter
- Wear
- Works
- Would
- Zoie
Illidan Names:
- Buster
- Debut
- Deceit
- Giver
- Herd
- Lack
- Lid
- Lied
- Lot
- Outfit
- Steed
- Voter
* Afflict,* An,* Aye,* Bamboozled,* Bend,* Blare,* Bizarre,* Bt,* Budge,* Bury,* Chucknorris,* Clicker,* Cobra,* Cyborg,* Daybreak,* Deadshot,* Ep,* Firebird,* Flightmaster,* Fluffy,* Fuss,* Gag,* Habit,* Half,* Hobby,* Icey,* Labyrinth,* Leak,* Mythical,* Notion,* Offset,* Outfit,* Palm,* Pass,* Peel,* Phenomenon,* Pork,* Ravenous,* Revan,* Samurai,* Snarky,* Sparkle,* Sparks,* Speak,* Spunky,* Taxi,* Torch,* Twitch,* Vault,* View,* Xenon,* Zee
See latest post!
Still hunting for the name poppy! It’s incredibly sentimental to me, please let me know!
Hey! I’ve sent you some in-game mail about a name on your list, with some name trade offers you might be interested in. Just thought I’d follow that up with a bit of a bump on here
Bippity Boppity Bump!
Hi all! I am happy to pay an absurd amount of gold and counter any other offers for:
- Bao
- Bough
- Belore (You know who I am but hit me up if you are willing to talk gold!)
- Moon
- Nana (I used to have this name from TBC to Cataclysm. One of my two characters on MG as a wee lass and is very sentimental to me!)
Thank you so much for considering me. Please get ahold of me via Discord: 8w7
Hello again, MG! Still looking to sell or trade some names. ~200k gold is sufficient for most of these. Prefer short names/words, andro/masc names, monster/nature themes. Add me on Discord (Lexblue) or send a whisper/mail to Lex @ WrA.
Wyrmrest Accord: Ph, Ziz, Rok, Exo, Sep, Rev, Neb, Eek, Ekk, Ehh, Eew, Sat, Wik, Vaxx, Blot, Gori, Phox, Goof, Dion, Hazy, Sang, Vern, Mala, Cann, Murk, Mindy, Ricky, Charly, Bertha, Kathie, Donner, Tyger, Fennecus, Lupercus, Mongrel, Wolfen, Wulfen, Biter, Silverfang, Slyfox, Scowl, Spectral, Highest, Crawly, Kegger, Tuber, Zilch, Deathstone, Lapidis, Cloudnine, Sixth, Bruiser, Bouncer, Teehee, Mourner, Wrack, Shooter, Pester, Aunty, Grande, Joyous, Joyful, Exonym
Moon Guard: Xyz, Caf, Neb, Vou, Eck, Wik, Pon, Wuf, Bos, Yon, Erez, Tedd, Moya, Sang, Lowe, Mott, Radi, Raff, Joff, Jape, Coug, Kilroy, Leonel, Olsen, Marky, Marks, Lassie, Ginnie, Jenifer, Davyjones, Guyfawkes, Tigre, Gryffe, Wylder, Burr, Flitter, Spiky, Whitehawk, Fossilize, Mewler, Spide, Darkwing, Ergot, Ingot, Burnout, Swinger, Wired, Offshoot, Outlier, Spectra, Talionis, Ferrus, Vyrus, Bamba, Mixer, Zipper, Fanboy, Pester, Pierced, Messiest, Neverever, Knothole, Krazy, Sloshed, Toughest
Looking for Anna (on MG)… Im not absurdly rich though!
I tried to sell some names but nobody liked them
Plus side I got Xanaria on MG woohoo. Its an absurdly over used name lol. Back when i tried to make it, it was taken so i had to use those weird symbols. Anyhow today on a whim i checked it out and it was available !!
btag: KEVIN#113701
discord: bigmankevin
in-game mail: Kevin
If it’s just looking, window shop away!
I prefer gold but do trades depending on the names.
Message anytime, I’m never busy.
Moon Guard Names
A: ambience - antacid - apparel - appendage - arachnid
B: baldurian - bayside - becoming - biome - bogo - bpi - bugbear - bulky - bungie
C: camouflage - chew - chromatic - clock - congestion - conscience - corps - corridor - costume - crossbow
D: deject - deku - deluxe - deteriorate - devolve - dicaprio - diy - duane
E: earring - effect - exclamation
F: fiancé - filament - finnish - flaky - forlese - former - franchise
G: gein - gilgoblin
H: herring - hoarse - huntsman
I: ifc - ikiss - imminent - implicate - individual - ingest
J: jamel - jarring
L: labret - ligament - linen - lumber
M: mailbox - mindblowing - mindflayer - miniature - missile - mky - mmo - mordhau - mutation
N: newcomer - neltharus - nerubian - nke - nook - nothin
P: pedipalps - performance - peril - plagueheart - profound
R: radioactive - raspy - reanimated - relative - release - resilience - revilgaz - rural
S: scammer - sepsis - skeletor - slc - smock - specimen - speech - spotless - stevia - structure - suitor
T: tarragrue - tedious - terokkar - thermometer
U: ufc - uncommon - unisex - unread - untidy
V: voyager
W: watchman - weight - wildebeest
Y: yoggsaron
Z: zbd - zky
Looking for the following on Moon Guard:
🔹 Ann 🔹 Will consider other common, real names
🔹 Maggie
Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):
Moon Guard
🔹 Arcanite 🔹 Murders
🔹 Barb 🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Bathroom 🔹 Patio
🔹 Bilingual 🔹 Priority
🔹 Blogger 🔹 Rooms
🔹 Boneyard 🔹 Rotation
🔹 Buffing 🔹 Scrapyard
🔹 Columnist 🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy 🔹 Spay
🔹 Diega 🔹 Snoot
🔹 Eastland 🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone 🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal 🔹 Titration
🔹 Hemisphere 🔹 Unclear
🔹 Homogeneous 🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Lowfat 🔹 Whack
🔹 Motel
Wyrmrest Accord
🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!
Howdy folks! Still on the lookout for a couple names and looking to trade the ones I’ve got! Moon Guard only. I may be willing to sell some names on my list for gold, but I largely prefer to trade.
EDIT: The person with my “Holy Grail” name passed it to me today after 2+ years of searching, so some names on this list will get deleted and freed up for somebody else to claim (likely in 2 weeks or so). I’ll make a post when I do and which ones I’ve freed up for others to enjoy them!
Names I’m looking for:
Specific names —
South(AT LONG LAST <3), Possum/Opossum, Twig, Goon
Themes — Human-esque sounding names and word names, especially art, animal or plant-related ones.
Names I’m looking to trade:
– Tentative about trading, I’ll be pickier with offers.
– Names that will likely come with a 30d CD.
Beatle (30k or trade, bought this off someone else for that price so I’ll let it go for that or lower.)
If you’re interested or have a lead on one of my wanted names, feel free to contact me through one of these:
Wallis (Alliance) – Ingame mail
Keorano#1120 – Btag
Keorano – Discord
Just released Zob, Zij, Vij, Vuw, Voc, Vug, Vuf, Vej
Two Letter Name blowout!
Will consider trades, add me on disc username is character name. Check out my WrA names on the wra thread as well.
300k each
500k each
Pw (password)
Ik (I know)
Hs (hearthstone, healthstone)
Jh (just hanging)