Name Archive

Sellings names, open to negotiation for a fair price. Feel free to send me ingame mail or message Stressed or Poison.

Cx karate- 600k

intoxicate, diss, noobs, gesture - 500k

domesticated, incentive, ludacris, detection, react - 300k

relevance, negligent, negligence, scaling, reacting, relations, toying, finances, anywho - 200k

udders, doggin, dunno, curdled - 100k

If anybody ever has Skeleton, hit me up!

Selling some names for gold
Moon Guard - Loft, Wtt, Cat
Open to offers
Discord me @ pbees

Names avail to claim.


All taken

Still hawkinā€™ these.

how do you know if a name has a CD or not?

  • if someone can explain to me how this works ive got some unused names i could post here for sale. They are all on Moon Guard

Sadly there isnt really anything that will show you thereā€™s a cooldown.
If the character is a certain level (above level 11? I think???) and then itā€™s deleted where there will be a cooldown for anyone else trying to make the name.
The cooldown wont exist for the person who deleted the name though, so you could delete a level 30 character (random level for the example) and then remake the character with the exact same name immediately afterwards on your accountā€¦ BUT someone else would have to wait a while for that name if they tried to make it after you deleted it.

Hopefully that makes senseā€¦
You just gotta kinda know when the character was deleted and set a timer.

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Yes it does thank you very much!!

I was searching my un played characters and ive got a few at lvl 10 and under. I think they have good names lol. Thats just my opinion though

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I didnā€™t say all of them were worth 4m I said Joker was lmfao and Iā€™ve gotten offeres for that much so its not really a crazy thing to ask for

I got bony :frowning:

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Formal - 4m
Kobe - 6m
Baboon - 2m

These three names above are open for trades.

John - 20m

This is a post you made 20+ days ago

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hi Iā€™m interested in one of the names you have

Still looking for the names Scarecrow, Yeti and Tums. Will buy or trade any of my names but a select few that are held for specific names.

Names for 50k-400k or trades: prices can be negotiated, especially in bulk
50K: Calming, Foresty, Gloomkitty, Limitations, Shameful, Sleepier,
100k: Attair, Berlynne, Conceit, Disorder, Fantasized, Fixate, Fragments, Milkshakes, Miracles, Monsters, Overreact, Restrictive, Vocalize, Warbear
200k: Complicate, Desensitize, Glitchy, Gnarly, Happier, Honeycomb, Macey, Mewfins, Slurpee, Unlike
300k: Around, Classify, Com, Creativity, Crystalize, Lethargic, Off, Official, Optic, Precise, Resent, Ronny, Tremendous, Vegetables
400k: Alrighty, Anchovy, Artistic, Bagel, Gerbil, Healjob, Luminant, Mock, Piggy,

Preferably wanting to trade these names, but will look at gold offers
Creepy (Only looking for specific names below) 30 Day CD
Demon (Only looking for specific names below) 30 Day CD

Only looking to trade the name Demon for Gloomy, Sleepy or Spooky

Names on other realms for 100k-1mil or prefers trades for MG names:
Area-52: Minty, Phenomenal, Slushy, Sparkly, Twofaced
Dalaran: Annabel, Arrogant, Asteroid, Authenticity, Competitive, Disperse, Dispersion, Emotions, Fame, Foolish, Garthe, Giggly, Hobby, Honest, Limbo, Lobster, Makeout, Proven, Roses, Rylen, Secrecy, Seduct, Several, Slush, Snuggly, Socialize, Soupy, Sympathy, Tired, Waystone, Worthless, Viciously, Vindictive
Illidan: Alrighty, Blissfully, Colorful, Custard, Dispel, Gerbil, Grove, Happily, Hazey, Hiss, Norse, Phenomenon, Photographs, Pub, Tangy, Tincture, Twoface, Vary
Malā€™Ganis: Color, Confetti, Creative, Delirious, Dramatic, Fantasize, Foolish, Laggy, Nervous, Norse, Octavia, October, Pastel, Planet, Slushy, Sprinkles
Proudmoore: Fantasize, Geeky, Latin, Loyal+Loyalty, Neptune, Poet, Silent, Where
Sargeras: Crucial, Cosmo, Dorky, Geeky, Poetic, Slushy
Stormrage: Classy, Classify, Depressive, Eboy, Isv, Poetry, Scenery, Snarky, Tidal.
Thrall: Aesthetic, Anyways, Arrogance, Eleanor, Empathy, Espresso, Goop, Habit, Hobby, Jealousy, Plushy, Prove, Saturday, Stupidity
Tichondrius: Asteroid, Authentic, Cheerful, Colorful, Consistent, Empire, Everything, Gerbil, Isis, Juno, Purify, Tangy, Weasel.
WRA: Blissed, Confetti, Dispel, Dreamt, Issues, Lavenders, Miley, Obsess, Sadden, Stellular, Souls, Twofaced.
Zulā€™Jin: Affectionate, Authenticity, Blissed, Boyfriend, Crabby, Elk, Enough, Hobby, Irritate, Laggy, Mythology, Nooby, Passionate, Plushy, Poetry, Polaris, Rosey, Seraph, Seraphim, Slush, Snob, Spot, Vindicator, Wave.

Mail/Whisper ā€œBoopā€ in-game on Moonguard!
Sleepy#17768 on Bnet

Just now seeing this. Iā€™m happy to connect with you. Feel free to send mail to Charlie-MG. Thanks!

Updating post, still looking for Kat, Pale and Cloud/Clouds.


Scarce, Gravity (CD), Linsey, Forget, Roxanne, Yen, Reverend, Spiritual, Dishonor, Aberration, Ancestry, Imprint, Blemish, Hydroxide, Teriyaki

Trade Preferred:

  • Rust, Hermit, Fashion, Broke

WrA Names:
Phase, Nerve, Daze - Prefer to trade for MG names

Discord - adyne. (period included)
In-game mail - Elistare

CONTACT: mrggl [discord] or [sisterly] in game
PRICE: All names are listed with gold price! Trades/deals can also be discussed!


  • Worgenism - 300k [Worgen Curse]
  • Mada - 250k [Zandali for ā€œMotherā€]
  • Geomancer - 200k [TWW Class]
  • Torcali - 200k [Loa Name]
  • Mycomancer - 200k [Lore Class TWW]
  • Tolvir- 170k [Race Name]
  • Nerglish - 150k [Murloc Language]
  • Waxmonger - 130k [Kobold Class]
  • Nightelven - 100k [Race Related]
  • Voidelven - 100k [Race Related]
  • Threadmancer- 60k [Nerubian Class]
  • Aeroknighted- 60k [Aeroknight Class]
  • Lighteater- 60k [TWW NPC Name]


  • Hordie - 500k
  • Criminality - 400k
  • Crazily -250k
  • Hotgossip -250k
  • Handsomely - 100k
  • Geniality -90k
  • Dogpound - 90k
  • Cryptogram - 90k
  • Negotiant - 90k
  • Nyctophilic - 90k
  • Spokesmen -90k
  • Snitched - 80k
  • Ratline -80k
  • Waxseal -80k
  • Ebulliency -75k
  • Fieriness -75k
  • Indebt -75k
  • Necrolysis -75k
  • Nicety -60k
  • Machomen -60k


  • Evilbaby - 100k
  • Bunnybuns - 90k
  • Gothgirly - 90k
  • Spookitty - 80k
  • Preppiest - 80k
  • Kawaiixd - 80k
  • Badbb - 30k
  • Crybb - 30k

Hey everyone!

I am currently in search of a name that seems to be inactive/doesnā€™t exist due to the character not being played on an active account. The name is Arlo! Please lemme know if anyone has this name (w/ proof) and Iā€™d love to work something out! Iā€™m willing to pay a lot of gold for this name because I need it so bad! Thank uuu :heart:

I have Arlo, just not on MG :confused:

Anyone out there willing to part with the name Askari?

Moon Guard -
(Trades only.)

Contact: Artemis (Ally/Moon Guard)