Name Archive

Wonder what in the fresh hell is up with the name releases this go 'round? I’ve never seen such random clusters like this.

Whisper or in-game mail. I’ll be leveling my Alliance alt (removed) today.

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Hmm, seems I haven’t received the mail yet!

i have a theory that it’s releasing each name based on their timeframe, so even though the expansion launched some of the names probably aren’t releasing until the time they went inactive. So like as an example:
insert random name” stopped being active two weeks into BFA. Two weeks after TWW, it’ll be able to be claimed again.

idk that’s just my own personal theory and it’s kind of making sense, i know when you buy any blizzard service for your character (name change, race/faction change, server change) it defaults you to a 3 day cooldown and doesn’t subside until the very same hour/minute you purchased the service 3 days prior, so maybe that’s how this whole release is working?

Yeah you’re probably right. That’s kind of terrifying though. At least there used to be a method to the madness, hah. Now there’s no way of knowing when a name might be randomly freed up. Ah well. The hustle continues!

gone are the days of asking GMs to free up names, god i miss that little system so much. lol :melting_face:

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Right? The glory days lol

Looking for the following on Moon Guard:

🔹 Ann               🔹 Will consider other common, real names
🔹 Maggie         

Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):

Moon Guard

🔹 Arcanite *        🔹 Murders [new]
🔹 Barb              🔹 Mutant
🔹 Bathroom          🔹 Neighbor          
🔹 Bilingual         🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Biologist         🔹 Patio
🔹 Blogger           🔹 Precognition
🔹 Boneyard [new]    🔹 Priority
🔹 Botter [new]      🔹 Rooms  
🔹 Buffing           🔹 Rotation [new]
🔹 Columnist         🔹 Scrapyard [new]
🔹 Corinne           🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy             🔹 Spay
🔹 Diega             🔹 Snoot [new]
🔹 Earthling         🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Eastland [new]    🔹 Teamster
🔹 Flightstone       🔹 Titration
🔹 Frugal            🔹 Unclear
🔹 Hemisphere        🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Homogeneous       🔹 Whack    
🔹 Lowfat                  
🔹 Meteorite         
🔹 Motel     

Wyrmrest Accord

🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy

Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!

:skull: reporting post is crazy

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Hi everyone, I am selling the following names on Moon Guard. Please PM me in game if interested, I am taking serious offers only. FireTune#1411

Two letters:

  • Np
  • Oy
  • Qw

Original 151 Pokemon:

  • Pidgeot
  • Charmeleon
  • Raticate
  • Venomoth
  • Onix
  • Machop
  • Aerodactyl


  • Git
  • Damodred
  • Sandler

btag: KEVIN#113701
discord: bigmankevin
in-game mail: Kevin

Boatload of new names so if it’s just looking, window shop away!
I prefer gold but do trades depending on the names. :fire:
Message anytime, I’m never busy.

:point_down: Names :point_down:

A: aloe - ambience - antacid - apparel - appendage - arachnid
B: baldurian - bayside - becoming - biome - bogo - bpi - bugbear - bulky - bungie
C: camouflage - centipede - chew - chromatic - clock - congestion - conscience - corps - corridor - costume - crossbow
D: daylily - deject - deku - deluxe - deteriorate - devolve - dicaprio - diy - duane
E: earring - effect - exclamation
F: fiancé - filament - finnish - flaky - forlese - former - franchise
G: gein - gilgoblin
H: herring - hoarse - huntsman
I: ifc - ikiss - imminent - implicate - individual - ingest - irate
J: jamel - jarring - jaws
L: labret - ligament - linen - lumber
M: mailbox - mindblowing - mindflayer - miniature - missile - mky - mordhau - mutation
N: newcomer - neltharus - nerubian - nke - nook - nothin
P: pedipalps - performance - peril - plagueheart - process - profound
R: radioactive - raspy - reanimated - relative - release - resilience - revilgaz - rural
S: scammer - sepsis - skeletor - slc - smock - specimen - speech - spotless - stevia - structure -
T: tarragrue - tedious - terokkar - thermometer - turn
U: ufc - uncommon - unisex - unread - untidy
V: voyager
W: watchman - weight - wildebeest
Y: yoggsaron
Z: zbd - zky

CONTACT: basicglitch [discord] or [sisterly] in game
PRICE: All names are listed with gold price! Trades/deals can also be discussed!


Criminality - 800k
Worgenism - 600k
Nightelven- 600k
Voidelven- 600k
Mycotic - 500k [TWW]
Mycomancer - 500k [TWW]
Gothgirly - 500k

400-100K NAMES

Mada- 300k [LORE/ Troll for “Mother”]
Nerglish- 300k [LORE/ Murloc Language]
Hordie- 200k
Nyctophilic - 200k
Kittykin - 200k
Nerglish- 150k [LORE]
Geomender- 120k [TWW]
Gundargazian- 120k [TWW]
Waxmonger- 100k [TWW]
Aeroknighted- 100k [TWW]
Badbaby - 100k
Bunnybuns - 100k

95-60K NAMES

Threadmancer- 90k [TWW]
Handsomely - 90k
Machomen - 90k
Dogpound - 90k
Snitcher- 85k
Preppiest- 85k
Hotgossip- 85k
Crazily- 85k
Cryptogram- 85k
Snitched- 85k
Voidspawn- 85k
Machomen- 85k
Gossiped- 85k
Waxseal- 85k
Lighteater- 85k [TWW]
Vitner- 85k
Oogle- 60k
Nicety- 60k
Ratline- 60k
Bellydance- 60k
Bellyring- 60k

50-20K NAMES

Vinery- 50k
Sculptress- 50k
Albinism- 50k
Stuckup- 50k
Adulatory- 50k
Unwed- 50k
Kawaiixd- 50k
Warmistress- 45k
Newkid- 45k
Lightful- 45k
Shoppe- 30k
Lynxknight- 30k
Crybb- 30k

Sellings names, Feel free to shoot me a message in game on this or Poison if interested.

Cx, karate- 600k

intoxicate, diss, noob, gesture - 500k

domesticated, incentive, ludacris, detection, react - 300k

relevance, negligent, negligence, scaling, react, reacting, relations, toying, finances, anywho - 200k

udders, doggin, dunno, curdled - 100k

I’m still looking for Vinnie!

Pricing these based on how strongly I feel about them. Willing to negotiate a little, or trade for a name I’m looking for. All names are on Moon Guard. None of these should be on a cooldown given that they’re all under level 30, if I’m understanding that right. Feel free to send me a tell or a mail ingame to open talks!


  • Trinh


  • Jarl
  • Bedouin
  • Barrister
  • Biker
  • Seaman


  • Paper
  • Screed
  • Homeless


  • Tricksy
  • Funnies
  • Winning
  • Photograph


  • Mealworm
  • Astroturfing

Apologies for high prices, just wanna make some gold.

Names I’m looking for:

  • Avalyne (dream name!!!)
  • Cordy
  • Courtier
  • Jerma

Selling a bunch of names on Tichondrius & Illidan, Looking for offers. Lenient on Pricing.
Add me on Discord: brycejw
BattleNet: QuartzDrake#19506

Tichondrius :

Illidan :

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Several Arathi names for sale/trade. Taking offers as they are already sought after with TWW.

I’m open to trades for Arthurian or medieval historical names.

Arathi surnames:

Discord: eddiepants

Updating my old post…looking to sell the following names on the these servers for gold.

Tipsy, Beef, Eve, Raven, Zap, Moon, Zoom, Pandora, Spy, Romeo, Juliet, Deceased, Rotten, Misty, Cow, Boomkin, Terminator, Hellhound, Hannibal, Mushu, Sabrina, Magma, Rescue, Agatha, Katana, America.

Firestorm, Blaze, Titan

Thor, Tyrion

Bubbleboy, Alpha, Demonic, Rayne, Poseidon, Isis, Osiris, Shadow, Kai, Thor


Titan, War


Bullseye, Castiel, Falcon, Dragonite, Spyro, Tempest, Shazam, Earthquake, Charmed, Dracarys, Protector

Please feel free to send offers or inquiries on Discord at Mikio03 or add me on bnet Mikio#11494

Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Dusk-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade Only: :gift_heart: / Gold: :purple_heart: / Only Special Trades: :cupid:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💝Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💘Beastly      💜Zealous       💜Tied   
💜Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💝Aye          💜Chomper       💜Surfal
💘Seethe       💜Sadly         💘Hate
💜Bearer       💜Druidic       💘Zeal
💘Spirit       💘Fatality      💘Cutie
💘Salt         💘Risk          

Moon Guard Names:

💜Surfal        💜Uhuh         💝Stray         
💜Merciful      💜Tender       💘Stop
💜Vary          💜Worthless    💝Humor 
💜Screamer      💜Spire        💜Wealth 
💜Savvy         💜Mossy        💜Exiled
💝Slum          💜Wartorn      💜Boast 
💜Sickened      💝Hyper        💜Mourne
💜Slammed       💝Strain       💜Crushed
💝Quote         💜Wis          💜Quarrel
💜Paced         💝Sever        💜Grump
💜Trite         💜Hiss         💜Curl
💜Whacky        💝Alas         💜Barn
💜Groggy        💜Call         💜Aether
💘Ether         💘Haze         💝Tale
💝Realm         💝Loathe       💜Consume
💜Rank          💘Salt         💜Found
💜Hone          💜Boil         💜Co
💘Fatality      💜Glob         💜Loner
💝Sear          💝Filthy       💝Messy
💝Fever         💘Scythe       💘Elk
💜Tfw           💜Vio          

I’m seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example, names with: :cupid:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

Also, my girlfriend wants me to list her list, so here it is! You can reach out to her via in-game mail on @Wish-Moon Guard.

💝Grove       💜Whole         💜Sight         
💝Purify      💝Belore        💜Travel
💜Listen      💜Charisma      💜Peanut
💜Butter      💜Fiery         💝Audrey 
💝Juno        💜Pipe          💜Coral
💜Mesa        💜Foam          💜Betty
💝Faire       💜Magician      💜Trick
💜Earthy      💜Staff         💜Mood
💜Pine        💜Aide          💜Richard
💜Abaddon     💜Neck          💜Chat
💝Goat        💜Auto          💜Fresh
💜Menu        💜Judy          💜Denise
💜Lori        💜Melis         💜Eco
💜Dandy       💝Mind          💜Agape
💜East        💜Theater       💜Blast
💝Wine        💜Sod           💜Up
💜Regret      💜Foreign       💝Zest
💜Plow        💜Hurts         💜Moonwell
💜Craig       💜Check         💝Carry
💜Coma        💜Sanctum       💜Lioness

:sparkles: Now actually have a wonderful day! :sparkles:

Still got some of these names, as well as a few others that I’m unsure if I’m too keen on keeping now. Been a bit back and forth about it.
Gold only please, as really the only name I’m super interested in appears to be on a very active account and looks to be their main. So I know thats not happening xD

Arbok - MG
Paras - MG
Dreadnaw -MG
Shelgon -MG
Fraxure -MG
Druddigon -MG
Roggenrola -MG
Shuckle - WRA
Koraidon -WRA

Pearlcatcher -WRA & MG
Banescale -WRA & MG
Veilspun -WRA & MG
Bogsneak- WRA & MG
Gladekeeper -MG
Joxar - MG

Other names I’m willing to part with:
Nafi - MG
Beefu - MG
Eaglehoof -MG
Yaff - MG
Yamo - MG
ArticWolf - MG
Crumpled - MG
Yurt - MG
Tosh - MG
Furor- MG
Ripped - MG
Fangless - MG (hehe… toothless :>)
Fanged - WRA
Scowler - MG & WRA
Lavarock - MG & WRA
Pook - WRA
Pookie - WRA
Kirbo - WRA
Blooper - WRA
KKSlider -WRA

I’m happy to use Discord or Battle Tag chat to communicate during the transfer of names, and even willing to hop on voice if that makes you more comfortable :>