Name Archive

Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Scythe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade or Gold: :sparkling_heart: Gold: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💖Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💖Beastly      💜Zealous       💜Holier
💖Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💖Aye          💜Chomper       💜Seen     
💖Seethe       💜Sadly         💜Tied      
💖Bovine       💜Bearer        💜Druidic    

Lore involved Names (WRA):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)
💜Zaram  (Blade in Thalassian)

Moon Guard Names:

💖Fever        💜Toothy        💜Uhuh 
💖Masque       💜Steep         💜Sullied

Lore involved Names (Moon Guard):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

:sparkles: Special offer :sparkles::

I have some names on Wyrmrest Accord that I would like on Moon Guard. If you are willing to make the trade, you can have my name on Wyrmrest Accord. It would be a 1:1 trade.

Names in Question:

✨Zeal*        ✨Hate*           ✨Spirit*
✨Salt*        ✨Easy*           ✨Cutie*
✨Risk*        ✨Fatality*

Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days) Also, if you are specifically seeking to trade with me, please send me a list. I prefer short names with an edge or cute factor!* :revolving_hearts:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

PS: I really want the name Gale… for not Baldur’s Gate 3 reasons, surely (its totally BG3 reasons)

Looking for a few Warhammer names. As well as Generic names. Willing to pay a LOT of gold for some of these. All on Moonguard.

Luther (Will pay 3 million plus for this one)
Duncan (Will pay a lot for this)
Hawthorne (Will also pay very handsomely for this one)
Magnus (Will pay 3 million plus)
Malcador (Will pay a lot for this one)

Have the names: (Only using names for trades, not selling these 5 below for gold)

Send in-game mail to Luke on Moonguard or add me on discord: traitorousloyalties

See latest post.

Hey folks! I am looking to buy the name Mortalstrike on Moon Guard. Willing to drop upwards of 400k for it.

You can reach me most easily via in-game mail at: Mortylstryke - Moon Guard [A] or Mayelinvail - Moon Guard [A]

Thanks for your time.

Hi everyone!

I am trading the following names on Moon Guard. I am also open to gold offers. Names with an * will have a 30-day cool down.

Starfish (trade only)
Katty* (trade only)

I am planning on making a night elf druid on Moon Guard, and I am looking for moon or plant related names to trade. Feel free to reach me via in-game mail, @Eev-WyrmestAccord(H), or @Katty-MoonGuard(A) with offers. :slight_smile:

Hi there!

I’m interested in the name Mooncake. I sent you a friend request on discord. :slight_smile:

Have the following names on Moon Guard and wishing to trade them:


I am looking for names that are “traditionally” demonic. Like “Archfiend” or “Demiurge” or “Rakshasa” or “Ravana” or “Dahaka”

Discord is rakshasa8474

Looking to trade or sell a few of my names ON MOONGUARD.


I’m more interested in trading names but open to selling for a right place.
Best way to contact me is through discord which is ig.nores or btag which is Maddy#12208

Hey folks!

I am looking to buy OR trade for a few names on Moon Guard I’ve wanted to have for a long time (note the following are ones I want to BUY, not sell):
• Jasper
• Esper
• Saya

I have plenty of gold to buy any of the names above, or if you’d like to trade for ANY of the names below, I’m willing to trade with the following names; the asterisk denotes possible CD:
• Hazel* @ MoonGuard
• Nicolaus @ MoonGuard
• Cogswheel @ MoonGuard
• Esper @ WyrmrestAccord (yes I have it on WRA, but want it on MG)
• Sora @ WyrmrestAccord
• Avary @ WyrmrestAccord
• Vergil* @ WyrmrestAccord
• Kalim* @ WyrmrestAccord & MoonGuard (have it on both)

Please msg me on Jhinan on Moon Guard! She is Alliance-side. I do want to be clear that I am not interested in selling any of my names for gold alone. I would only be willing to trade for any of the names I listed at the start.

Looking for the name Emrys on MoonGuard. Name your price and I’ll make it happen. :heart:

Also interested in any literature, gothic, or magic-related names for slightly less than my first born child. Happy to negotiate.

I’m best reached on discord (nyphsy) or in-game. Lyaena @ WyrmrestAccord (horde) or Navaet @ MoonGuard (alliance)

I’ve been looking for the names Winter or Winters for a while! Name your price, I’ll make it happen.

Best way to reach me is via discord, unknown_winters, or through in-game mail to Anarchism

I continue to be willing to do awful things for the name Jackson on MG.

Im going to try to get ahold of you in 8 to 12 bours due to work. You bave a name i want. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Hello, it is I. I am on the hunt for two names on MG.

If anyone has any idea who owns them, send them my way. You can reach me via in-game mail or whisper if I am on.

  • Partytime
  • Celebration

Still have Technology, primarily looking to trade for a cosmic themed word

Looking for the following names on WRA, willing to pay a handsome amount of gold:


Add me on discord: 167695770005274624 or eddiepants

See latest post.

Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Scythe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade or Gold: :sparkling_heart: Gold: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💖Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💖Beastly      💜Zealous       💜Holier
💖Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💖Aye          💜Chomper       💜Seen     
💖Seethe       💜Sadly         💜Tied      
💖Bovine       💜Bearer        💜Druidic    

Lore involved Names (WRA):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)
💜Zaram  (Blade in Thalassian)

Moon Guard Names:

💜Toothy       💜Uhuh 
💖Masque       💜Steep         💜Sullied

Lore involved Names (Moon Guard):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

:sparkles: Special offer :sparkles::

I have some names on Wyrmrest Accord that I would like on Moon Guard. If you are willing to make the trade, you can have my name on Wyrmrest Accord. It would be a 1:1 trade.

Names in Question:

✨Zeal*        ✨Hate*           ✨Spirit*
✨Salt*        ✨Easy*           ✨Cutie*
✨Risk*        ✨Fatality*

Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days) Also, if you are specifically seeking to trade with me, please send me a list. I prefer short names with an edge or cute factor!* :revolving_hearts:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

Special offer: My partner is :sparkles: selling :sparkles: a bundle of the name Furry, with the guild Furry on Wyrmrest Accord. Send mail to that character! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Oh, also I’m still looking for Gale! :innocent:

looking to sell the name Frosticles on Moon Guard for gold. if interested send me in-game mail with an offer to Yamuchi on Moon Guard.