Name Archive

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I said you were an absolute piece of … after you left and said to me “I was offered 400K for this name and 300K for that name, don’t waste my time” deletes me off btag and ran. The conversation didn’t even last a min. Could of stayed, tell me how much you want the name to be sold for but you didn’t. You left, so I called you for what you were.

You were being a jerk to someone who was trying to buy something from you because you didn’t like the price I was offering and then you add insult to injury by saying bs stuff like how much more profit you made from other names.

You were being a jerk to someone who was trying to buy something from you because you didn’t like the price

Although I agree leaving abruptly wasn’t very nice, you invited me to a group many hours later after the deal was set for Chucknorris, I go to meet, open trade and felt bait and switched.

You wanted my better names for the same price, I didn’t really know what to do at that point so I countered, could see it wasn’t going to happen and left.

You then whispered me about how I was wasting your time, then eventually led to insults and threats about negative reviews.

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If you care Vis, I would do what I recommended because atm Omen isn’t the one looking like the bad guy here.

Just my outside opinion, which doesn’t matter because neither of you have names on my list.


First of all, you keep mentioning how this name is better than that name. Look, this is one of those things that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” so stop with this name is better than that name. If you don’t offer me a value for your names, nobody knows what you as the seller think is a “better names”

You could of said “I don’t like your price, how about Tribal for 75K?”

We would of done the trade right then and there.

Instead you left. Deleted me off btag, ran and insulted me.

Where did you get I was an expert at name buying? I’ve never bought a name or sold one.

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I’m not privy to the transaction. I appreciate both of you sharing sides of the story. But I recommend that you make your case without all the inappropriate language. As unhappy or pissed as you are with how Omen responded, derogatory language - such as calling another player an absolute piece of … - is a no-go.

Have a bad buying experience? Screenshot your chat-log, walk away, and leave a fair review here. Folks will take note.


Looking for the name “Order”, anyone got that?

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Hello, I’m back from my workout. I just want to say I apologized for my behavior today. It’s my not intention, I was very frustrated with the way I was treated but have now had time to think it through. I believe it was just a misunderstanding on both party, it’s not my intention at all to do any harm to anyone here or in-game. Thank you for your understanding and I hope we can all move on from all the drama.

I can vouch for Omen’s character! Sold me a very nice name for a big discount when he saw I couldn’t afford it and it was for a friend.

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Bumping! ^^

Hi all! Glad for this thread here.

I am looking to buy (with gold) the following names. Just DM me and name your price, or let me offer a price:

  • Bee
  • Belore
  • Bright
  • Deer
  • Libra
  • Light
  • Moon
  • Nana
  • No
  • Noa
  • Noah
  • Phoenix
  • Sun
  • Sunny
  • Any short words (3-4 letters tops)
  • Any flower, tree, plant names
  • Any common names (IE Noa, Rene :wink: )

Thank you very much! You can reach me at Discord via Noa#9833.

I look forward to some responses to my search. My loss in assuming name release occurs at xpac start date is your gain. :sunny: :seedling: :herb: :dove:

Just curious… do we know WHEN names are being released? I thought maybe pre-patch or xpac launch, but so far it doesn’t seem like any names have cleared up. At least none of the ones I checked.

They were released with prepatch.

They were already released apparently, and many have been scooped up by some scrupulous opportunists. Not knocking it… but it’s clear when a person has 150+ names when a single account has a maximum of 60 that there is a definitive purpose behind a collection that large. To each their own (so please don’t come at me, internet mob), but that’s not a game I can support. I’d rather do without.

As the person you’re referring to (with 150+ names) I can see where you’re coming from.

However, anyone that’s tried to claim names during one of these periods will tell you - you aren’t going to get exactly what you want. I’ll never get Ghost. I wanted Flux for my mage, but I got Rift instead.

Some names are good enough, some I’ll never use so I’ll either try to trade them for names I do want, or enough gold to offer the person that has them.


Seeking the name Burke on Moon Guard for, well, obvious reasons!

I am willing to trade gold for it. Add Nyami#1985 on if you are interested in a trade!

Bummer that I missed out.

If anyone is selling names on Illidan, please add me on btag (Sheik#11797). I can offer gold, or perhaps some names on other servers. Thanks!

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Blizzard doesn’t let us know exactly when the names are released, but its usually with the prepatch. Back in the day, you could just contact a GM and ask them to free up specific names from unactive accounts and they would! Now its an automatic process.

But buying good names is not a new practice. When I played on Saurfang, like eight years ago, I was offered 20k+ for the name “angrydrunk” completely unprompted. You’re not just paying for someones good fortune, you’re paying for their creativity, and with anything finite and desirable: there will be a market for trading and selling.


Looking to purchase the names Arlen, Dahlia, Iris, Leah, Miranda, or Claudia.

Hello :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I still have quite a few names I’m willing to trade/sell/giveaway so I’m updating my post to not only remove the old names, but add some of my more personal names to the list in hopes that I could perhaps trade those names for names I’d enjoy more!

Please respond to me here via reply or mail me in-game @Salt-Wyrmrest Accord or @Dusk-Moon Guard. Below I will be labeling each of my names to give you an idea of their availably with emojis because that’s very fun to me.

For trades, I am currently more interested in Moon Guard names as I am moving all of my Alliance characters over there, the name doesn’t need to be on my list but it needs to appeal to my very specific (Edgy) tastes.

Trade Only: :sparkling_heart: Trade or Gold: :blue_heart: Make an offer: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

:sparkling_heart:Cutie*, :purple_heart:Sadly, :purple_heart:Tied, :sparkling_heart:Bovine*
:blue_heart:Horned, :purple_heart:Neato, :purple_heart:Druidic, :sparkling_heart:Easy*
:blue_heart:Toothy, :purple_heart:Chomper, :blue_heart:Aye, :sparkling_heart:Beastly*
:blue_heart:Denial, :purple_heart:Sink, :purple_heart:Holier, :sparkling_heart:Risk*
:sparkling_heart:Sunwell*, :purple_heart:Bearer, :sparkling_heart:Doggy*, :sparkling_heart:Fatality*
:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Surface, :sparkling_heart:Seethe*
:blue_heart:Zaram, :purple_heart:Excite, :blue_heart:Lull*
:purple_heart:Last*, :purple_heart:Seen, :blue_heart:Thorny*

Moon Guard Names:

:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Toothy

Special offer: If you have the name Spirit on Moon Guard, I will trade you the name Spirit on Wyrmrest Accord as a swap. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope this format makes things a bit easier for both me, and folks seeking these names.
Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days) Also, names listed under ‘make an offer’ are special, I’ll probably take anything for those if what you offer piques my interest. Please ask!

I hope you guys are enjoying Dragonflight, I’ve been having a blast!