Hello Moon Guard ! I still have quite a few names I’m willing to trade/sell/giveaway so I’m updating my post to not only remove the old names, but add some of my more personal names to the list in hopes that I could perhaps trade those names for names I’d enjoy more!
I’m currently in college so my replies might be slower, but the best ways to reach me are by replying to me directly here or sending mail my way @Salt-Wyrmrest Accord. Below I will be labeling each of my names to give you an idea of their availably with emojis because that’s very fun to me.
Trade Only: Trade or Gold: Make an offer:
Wyrmrest Accord Names:
Cutie*, Sadly, Tied, Bovine*
Horned, Neato, Druidic, Easy*
Toothy, Chomper, Aye, Beastly*
Denial, Sink, Holier, Risk*
Sunwell*, Bearer, Doggy*, Fatality*
Surfal*, Surface, Seethe*
Zaram, Excite, Lull*
Last*, Seen, Thorny*
Moon Guard Names:
Surfal*, Toothy
Sullied, Warmage
I hope this format makes things a bit easier for both me, and folks seeking these names. I’m hoping to make some trades before Dragonflight so I can clear my list a bit more, as I can’t handle having a lot of alts as I once was able to. (I’ve seriously deleted about 30 max level alts in the past few months.)
Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days)
Names I am looking for:
Peach, Tiger, Lynx, Atlas, Eve, Eva, Drake, Draconic, Dragon, Holy, Mythic, Myth, Mist, Death, Fatal, Fate, Crow, Rat, Moth, Evil, Hurt.
Honestly any ‘cool’, or ‘cute’ sounding 4-6 letter name usually gets me interested. So if you have any you’d like to negotiate for some of mine, feel free to ask.
Happy Pre-Pre-Patch folks! Dragonflight looks pretty amazing!