Name Archive

Do any of my names here interest you for “Ray” on WrA? :slight_smile: I’d love to use it for my worgen… Some of my names have cool-downs, I’ll have to check for you depending on which you might want. You can contact me on my bnet if it’s faster for you: Hythlodaeus#11898

On MG, I have: Autumn, Axel, Earl, Faust, Greed, Ifrit, Oberon, Limbo, Leto, Mantis, Dirge, Vivien, Scythe

My partner said I can trade their names if any interest you, also on MG:

Baz, Eos, Icarus, Locust, Mort, Nimrod, Percival, Shepherd, Mono, Usurper, Sunder, Myrrh, Oki

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Looking for (MG):

  • Jackson
  • Anne

Available to trade (WRA):

  • Bryan
  • Janet

Might consider other “common” names on MG.

Desperately looking for these names on Moon Guard:

Can offer these or gold:

I have Gh and Axis as well, but as these are higher level characters I’m more tentative on them and trading will take more time.

Interested in buying another two letter name to add to my collection for MG.
Reply here or send me a mail/message on Lb or Wg on Moon Guard.

Quoting this, as I currently have all these names still open.
Also going to TENTATIVELY add in Tumbleweed -MG as a name I might be willing to part with.

Do you still have vicious and rose? I was looking at your older posts so that was my fault!

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Is Milkies still available and does it have a cd?
Btag: Adorable#11739

I have these names.


Btag is Ayrenn#1949 and disc is Ayrenn#7645. Faster replies on disc if you want to trade. If the person who got Titania is still in the thread, I’ve been after the name for years. HMU :slight_smile:

See latest post.

Got some new names on WRA. Roses, Celest, Rozen and Juliette. Willing to free these up/trade them.

Still really, really looking for the names Dione, Lilith/Lillith, Elise, Amalthea, Aemma on MG and WRA.

So, name releases now happen every expan release? Cuz I remember getting some last year.
I wonder if names are purged now every expan if inactive, or of the names need to still be on an inactive account for 2 expans and just dont get put on the every expan purge until their 2 expan requirement has been met…?
That sounds weird typing it… GL anyone trying to read that wordvomit of mine.

Every expansion, usually in the prepatch, they do a name release if the account has been inactive for two expansions.

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If anyone has the name ‘Mansfield’ on MG, I want it!

$$$ CHA-CHING! $$$

LF “Doomin”. Currently being held by a level 10 void elf.

If you know who it is or you are the person, hit me up and let’s work something out.
Discord: Doomin#6666

I just thought I’d give you a heads up, as I’ve managed to get the name ‘Leto’ by complete accident on MG. It was only after checking here that I realised it was being advertised by someone else. Maybe check your names?

I added you to chat about some of the names.

*Selling and / or trading the following names below, depending! Marked names I’m more hesitant about. *

[Moon Guard]

  • Paramilitary
  • Bloodfeud
  • Grappling
  • Incinerator
  • Muzzled
  • Curseborne
  • Illegality
  • Irreversible
  • Entomologist
  • Recoup
  • Martyring
  • Stormglen *
  • Nearby *
  • Benefit
  • Woodwork
  • Whaler *
  • Playback
  • Equipped
  • Eviscerate *
  • Escaping
  • Antimonarchy
  • Farmhand
    *Cowgirl, Dynamite, Theft, Vulpine, Calvin

[Wyrmrest Accord]

  • Distress [30 day cooldown]
  • Carnal
  • Saddened
  • Invalidate

Contact me @Knife via in game mail on MG-A if you’re interested in any, or reply to my post here! Some may have cooldowns. I’m looking for one word names, animal names, etc etc.

Looking specifically for names like: Rabbit, Critter, Creature, etc.

Hello :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I still have quite a few names I’m willing to trade/sell/giveaway so I’m updating my post to not only remove the old names, but add some of my more personal names to the list in hopes that I could perhaps trade those names for names I’d enjoy more!

I’m currently in college so my replies might be slower, but the best ways to reach me are by replying to me directly here or sending mail my way @Salt-Wyrmrest Accord. Below I will be labeling each of my names to give you an idea of their availably with emojis because that’s very fun to me.

Trade Only: :sparkling_heart: Trade or Gold: :blue_heart: Make an offer: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

:sparkling_heart:Cutie*, :purple_heart:Sadly, :purple_heart:Tied, :sparkling_heart:Bovine*

:blue_heart:Horned, :purple_heart:Neato, :purple_heart:Druidic, :sparkling_heart:Easy*

:blue_heart:Toothy, :purple_heart:Chomper, :blue_heart:Aye, :sparkling_heart:Beastly*

:blue_heart:Denial, :purple_heart:Sink, :purple_heart:Holier, :sparkling_heart:Risk*

:sparkling_heart:Sunwell*, :purple_heart:Bearer, :sparkling_heart:Doggy*, :sparkling_heart:Fatality*

:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Surface, :sparkling_heart:Seethe*

:blue_heart:Zaram, :purple_heart:Excite, :blue_heart:Lull*

:purple_heart:Last*, :purple_heart:Seen, :blue_heart:Thorny*

Moon Guard Names:

:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Toothy

:purple_heart:Sullied, :purple_heart:Warmage

I hope this format makes things a bit easier for both me, and folks seeking these names. I’m hoping to make some trades before Dragonflight so I can clear my list a bit more, as I can’t handle having a lot of alts as I once was able to. (I’ve seriously deleted about 30 max level alts in the past few months.)

Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days)

Names I am looking for:
Peach, Tiger, Lynx, Atlas, Eve, Eva, Drake, Draconic, Dragon, Holy, Mythic, Myth, Mist, Death, Fatal, Fate, Crow, Rat, Moth, Evil, Hurt.

Honestly any ‘cool’, or ‘cute’ sounding 4-6 letter name usually gets me interested. So if you have any you’d like to negotiate for some of mine, feel free to ask.

Happy Pre-Pre-Patch folks! Dragonflight looks pretty amazing!

hi friends! i decided to strike out my old posts and put a fully updated list of names that i have for trade/sale here on MG!

Balancedruid, Blows, Brecken, Bullied, Classy, Comfortable, Dignity, Difference, Displease, Educate, Eeva, Fetching, Heartbreak, Heartbroken, Icee, Jana, Jazlynn, Laced, Lilu, Mall, Mandie, Marita, Meteorite, Nerdy, Obsessive, Ol, Opt, Possible, Qx, Route, Spoiled, Spot, Sv, Wriggle, Wye, Xc.

i still also have a plethora of names on various other, non-rp, high/full pop servers.
bnet: bre#1750

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Hit me up!