Name a more iconic duo

1600 Solo Shuff, 800 games, 46% WR
2400+ in Blitz, first elite TWW S1.
Blitz is the actual joke 0 skill bracket.


2400 elite s1 dragonflight on a ret paladin, perma rival afterwards. Complaining that ret is always bad on the forums.


hey i know that guy


I resemble that remark

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No glad mounts since wrath ssn 8 but always applies as “glad xp” while the last time he even got duelist was S2 SL


blitz players and being the most insufferably miserable people to ever exist

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To be fair, shuffle is literally a crab bucket, what else could we expect?

I actually love this a lot, cause im just Mr. Rival over here. with a few duelists when i got lucky. and it cracks me up when a old school glad who now “hardstuck” at my same mmr is flaming me cause he’s got glad xp.

I mean technically I beat Pikaboo in shadowlands in 2’s match with xaryu so i guess i have AWC xp.

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The opposite is also true in blitz. I see and know good players that are stuck in the 2k range. Something is busted with the MMR. I won 2 games back to back and only managed to get 8 points for the second win. This is coming off two losses. You have to string together 3-4 wins before you start making real gains. It’s not a good system. Also, the quality of players around 2k is absolutely dismal.

You can’t make this stuff up. Had an AB earlier. Both healers go to bs…?? 5 dps go LM. And one goes mines and farm is open. We wipe at lm and the healers lose BS and feral loses mines. It’s just so bad. Also, the amount of divas in off the charts. Egos through the roof.

2400 SS elite dragonflight on a dh, perma rival on every other class. Spams threads about how weak dh has become.

You can almost smell the fotm reroller in both lol


Idk man, BGB is for fun. I don’t think anyone should take it too seriously.



Smaller scale BGs without the use of toys and extra consumables is just a new mode, people are getting to deep

2400 in Blitz was completely free in the first week only. As in you literally coin flip to 2400 just queueing for a few days regardless of skill because the rating gain was ridiculous. They nerfed it into oblivion every patch since. Now its near impossible without group queue/duo (aka buying it).

who cares.

No one think 2400 in blitz is the same a 2400 in arenas.


Oh you’ve met Christtel too?


Every time I check the pvp subreddit, there’s always a screenshot of someone on a hunter with no rating in any brackets talking about how Blitz saved WoW for them.


Solo Rated Battleground Battleground Blitz has saved pvp for me.


They aren’t, though. Lol I’ve never seen a single egotistical post from a BGB player. It’s always just people furious that they can’t climb but think they should be because of their arena XP.

Everyone else just has fun with it or doesn’t do it.

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Players who rode SLS2 mmr to their highest rating and finding a boogeyman every season to blame for why they can’t get back to it.


ever since 2500ish mmr any negative thing that happens in any of my games is instantly “just go next” and death threats to healers or the guy who happened to do the lowest damage on our team or the rogue who couldnt get mine