Name a band worse than Three Days Grace

Daydream Believer :heart:

I like The Beatles and The Monkees. Or as the Monkees are also know: The Prefab Four.

LOL thank you. I really enjoyed reading that.

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Three days grace has 9 of 947 something in my 1,000 songs that aren’t some kind of cover of the same song.

Monkees were after Beatles.

I am beting all you people who like the monkees were teenage girls at the time and had a crush on davy jones.

me looking at this post and noting what not to do when singing: :eyes:


I know but the monkees were a manufactured band built for the tv show. Hence the prefab four nickname.

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Rubber Soul is the best

Gtfo. Korn is the a blessing on God’s green earth. Please dont come again.


The monkees killed Jimi Hendrix’s career (And possibly Jimi)


Come on man.


i’ve actually got a good singing voice and a decent falsetto (if i’m not exaggerating it for comedic effect), but whitney houston is so god damn powerful that i can never hope to emulate her


Nope, I just happen to like that style of pop rock.

They do kinda suck.

Except there’s one song where the last 10-12 seconds is pretty rockin’. But that’s it.

The entire “Theory of a teapuddle of nicklecreed” era was all trash except for maybe Audioslave. They were ok

But the all time winner is easily U2. I can’t stand that garbage.

that’s sad to hear, how?

She’s also dead.

And don’t blaspheme.

I am an adolescent soprano girl, so falsetto doesn’t really apply to me. I’ve been in choir for three years and I have a little trouble hitting her notes, but when I do, it’s satisfying beyond belief.

A tip: keep your mouth vertical. When I do have trouble, it’s because either my voice hasn’t been warmed up, or I’m smiling.

