Name 1 Positive and 1 Negative thing about The War Within

In TWW, Bloody Tokens are solely used to buy 636 WPvP Gear.
In DF, Bloody Tokens could buy you a variety of things like WPvP Gear that had set bonuses, Consumable Items, and even toys like a PvP Corpse Banner.

Positive: I like the whole vibe of Dornogal, the new zones and the Earthen.
Negatives: the tank/healer shortage. These hot dang Que times. We miss youuuuuu.

There is a vendor for honour at least that sells things other than armour and weapons in Dornogal, it’s just on the other side of the PvP plaza.

Her name is Maara.

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Yes but that is Honor, not Bloody Tokens. I wish they’d just offer the same goods for Bloody Tokens too.

Totally fair. Once you buy all the logs there’s nothing really left to buy with the Bloody Tokens.

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Positive: It looks fun.

Negative: I don’t have the expansion D:


Positive- I havent quit yet!

Negative- I havent quit yet.


Positive- First time I’ve played Death Knight for a long(er) period of time and enjoyed myself

Negative- Devastation Evoker seems weak, pls buff

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Positive: I really like Xal’atath, I think she is a great villain
Negative: I have not found any of the zones or new characters even remotely interesting. The Earthen, Faerin… they are all so boring.


I enjoyed doing achievements like Ruffious’s Bid for the Raging Cinderbee or just meta achievements in general like a Farewell to Arms.

I don’t really enjoy the season 1 dungeons. First season of a M+ I really felt was unfun because of the changes to stops interrupting enemy casts like a kick as well as the nerfs to tanks/healers.

Positive: Plunderstorm 2.0

Negative: i can only list 1? i suppose i’ll go with the story.

positive: no Hordie loremember has been made into a loot pinata

negative: ahem

Positive. The revamping of M+ is very, very good. It streamlines getting into relevant keys on fresh alts, the difficulty between weeks is MUCH more consistent and straight up non-existent at 12s.

Negatives: Balance seems worse than usual, but at least it’s not the same offenders being OP like it usually is.

Pretty much this:

But “Mid” is the understatement of the year…

Art team (including music) carrying hard like usual. Hallowfall plate set looks AWESOME. Best paladin set they’ve released in years.

Positive: transmog. I’m elated that they finally gave us the winter veil pants as not only an item you can transmog, but without the seasonal restriction! One of the best pants in the game is the green holiday pants AND IT IS NOW OURS.

Other positive: the hero trees in general are pretty cool, and the dark ranger rework in particular is really fun. It’s broken in a bad way and too dependent on RNG, but it’s still fun. The animations are fun, the sound effects are fun, it’s just fun… if only it didn’t suck.

Negative: balance is awful in all ways. The team doing the balancing doesn’t have any communication with the team doing the bug fixes, so you end up with balance adjustments based on bugged builds and when the bugs are fixed the balance team never goes back to address it. Honestly, the entire negative is Blizzard’s design philosophy around a lot of systems in the game and it’s steadily chasing people away.

Other negative: dialogue is crap, as usual. Once you notice the overuse of the word “much”, you can’t unsee it and it will bother the crap out of you for the rest of eternity.

Other OTHER negative: earthen sound effects in Dorn are so irritating I had to download an addon specifically to mute them.

Positive: Delves.

Negative: Some ‘First Impressions’ for released content were more than a little underwhelming. I really hope they fix that!