Name 1 Positive and 1 Negative thing about The War Within

Positive - it’s not that bad

Negative - it’s not that good


Positive: it broke my wow addiction.

Negative: it broke my wow addiction



Positive - Delves fun and the kind of solo/ small group content I was looking for.
Negative - Xal’atath, I am just not into her as a villain right now. I was more interested and invested in the strange fish in Hallowfall than her.


Positive: Delves have improved equipping new alts and solo experience.

Negative: Brann is too stupid. He still throws healing potions into void zones, takes avoidable damage from stuff like frontals or spores and he also does ninja pulls way too often.

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positive; the story
negative; the story


I’m still new to them but delves seem cute so far. I also haven’t felt this comfortable with mage since WotLK. I really missed Frostfire Bolt.

On the other hand, TWW’s story kinda feels like BFA if you cut out the horde altogether and replaced the faction with Xal’atath. Adding Earthen to the horde feels like a negative, and I only feel spite for Alleria and Anduin’s stories too.

I havent done any dungeons outside of follower dungeons. Cool, follower dungeons. Bad, no interest to do any lfdungeons at all.

Got to give him credit. He broke the chains that Arthas couldn’t. We are used to see the allmighty heroes of Azeroth in a good spotlight, bravely fighting all evil but forget that down within they are just people with their flaws and fears. Also I think that Anduin started to realize that we are just pawns in the hands of the Pantheons. But how can you fight against such powers when your power comes from them? See in the next patch when we remove borrowed power. :smiley:

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Sounds like something only Varian could do, not his whiny son.

Thrall and all them were also tortured in Torghast. The only reason they escaped is because of us. Imagine how much worse it could’ve been or how bad it already was.

It’s probably best if we forget Shadowlands was a thing.

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Positive - Warbanks were a huge qol that made it easy to get gear/funds to alts.
Negative - M+ season was overall not fun for many people in my guild. Instead of running them because its key time it became just get 1-2 vault slots and log for the week.


Shadowlands had a great theme. Only problem with it was that they turned it into a second job. The FOMO there was real.

Positive - Delves

Negative - There isn’t anything that has made me want to play. I haven’t found a single feature that excites me. The expansion isn’t bad, it’s fine. But fine isn’t going to make me choose WoW over other games.

Positive: Delves are fun for me

Negative: Having to follow Anduin and Alleria for like 1/2 the story.

Positive: It’ll be over when midnight comes out

Negatives: We’re still just chasing bugs

For the first time it looks like a gameplay pillar is going to actually take… that hasn’t happened since mythic plus

For the bad… well dungeons are not “awful” but they are overdesigned messes with far more motion collision bugs and rp then needed.

Positive: Delves. I loved the Brawler’s Guild, so this is a nice improvement since I can get decent gear without needing to bother with M+ or raiding.

Negative: The story is just so boring.

Positive: The zones of Hallowfall and Ringing Deeps. Ringing Deeps especially you could spend a lot of time down there, gathering, fighting elites, etc. Its just a densely packed zone. Gundargaz would have made a great capital city if it was bigger.

Negative: Dornogal and the Isle of Dorn. It has almost no chests, no elites, and no zest. Comparatively Oribos was a lobby-type hub, but didn’t try to sprawl out and take up too much space.

Positive: Delves. Best addition to the game since I started playing
Negative: Although we can cook the food, we still can’t eat it.

Positive: delves. Best thing blizzard has done in ages.

Negative: community obsession with the meta. Like I get it, people pushing high end content need the best classes numerically. But Johnny 2x4 doesn’t need a meta group to time his +3 key.