Naga for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde

Ogres were planned, metzen just really wanted Naga but they couldn’t figure out armor initially then in BC Metzen wanted Naga and goblins

Naga armor has been solved though

They work with several helmet types, all shoulder, all chests, all gloves, all belts, all legs (they’re like bigger belts basically) and don’t have boots

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They’ve definitely been a race that they’ve wanted to implement for awhile but haven’t had the opportunity

Honestly my #1 race pick.

I really do like naga though and wish they’d be a horde-available race. Although personally I think they could work as a neutral race (even though Blizzard hated that idea). If I could design them myself, I’d pull them from the Illidari, which are already neutral-ish and meant to be on the fringes of the faction, and play up those naga as mercenaries that range from being utter bastards to those trying to find a place despite being distrusted by everybody.

I think they could contrast well with neutral pandaren too, in a sort of good cop / bad cop way. Where the pandas are neutral because they’re universally liked, the naga could go the other way where everyone’s nearly hostile to them all and have to push against that. The Illidari naga also have the convenient excuse of being off of Azeroth for the entirety of WoW up until Legion, so they’re divorced from the local villainous ones already.

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No nagas

Blizz doenst want to have to deal with all the racist naga jokes that it would cause.

Easy lore reason:

  1. Not every single naga that was transformed was completely sided with the queen. Some might have been just standard civilians, like some of the souls we rescued in Naz’jatar.
  2. Some Naga were clearly loyal to Illidan because he saved them from Garithos’ nonsense. Illidan’s influence is still around… Garithos is a bad guy no one cares to remember.
  3. There could EASILY be a revel faction of Naga seeking refuge with their old civilization after the fall of Azshara. They could write a whole plot about Tyrnade’s distrust, as WE help the Naga build up exalted reputation with the Night elves through acts of good will.

I want them to be horde to but alliance has a player shortage and we already have two uppity full of themselves elf races through the blood elves , Nightborne and sort of zandalri

Arakkoa for Alliance, Murlocs for Horde. Make it so.

A blizzard employee got away with Worgen…

That when conveniently spelled backwards is

Naga is terrible for player characters… Why not just Ogres for BOTH Alliance and Horde?

I’m all for new races. New races don’t even need to have every class either, just ones that make sense.

there are no male dryads, but there are male and female centaurs. Centaurs for the Horde? Naga for the Alliance? That sounds super interesting.

Just because something is new doesn’t mean it is good.

My only contest is I think the new races should appeal to the horde fanbase for the alliance, to pull those ex alliance players back

Ogres shouldn’t steal alliance players but Naga could definitely make ex alliance players return to their roots

Oh right, because you don’t like it we can’t have it

I mean if I got to be a Naga DK, I’d play alliance again

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Allied races Alliance should have gotten:


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Male Dryads are Keepers of the Grove I think

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Are you serious or just trolling? Clearly I don’t have a say in it, any more than you do… News flash, this is a forum and we are allowed to express our opinions. If you don’t like mine, find the ignore option and use it.

I personally don’t care for Naga as a playable race. Ogres I can get behind, no pun intended, for Alliance. Eredar for Horde.

Alliance should have got them instead of extra lightbulb Draenei.

Lightforged should have been like Night warrior, just a quest