Naga for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde

It’s been 10+ years and these races have been on the table since TBC but we somehow ended up with fox people and extra lightbulb Draenei first…

So to address any problems.

A huge reason people say Naga wouldn’t work is because mounts and no bottoms but we’ve seen through mechagnomes, you can make no bottoms work and for the mounts you’d just have to create a Naga Chariot they sit on tied to their mounts and selected at a special Naga shop.

Another key point is Ogres need a two head option.

Naga fit into the alliance because they’d boost faction popularity since they’d probably be more popular than ogres.

They also fit to help the faction a little less bland cause you can already imagine Malfurion,Tyrande and Azshara banter.

The only problem I see with Naga joining the alliance is it gives the problem that the alliance leaders are all demigods while horde leaders are psuedo civilians or just warriors


Murlocs first, then we can talk about new races.

I mean the naga have all been shown to be unrepentant monsters.

Like I don’t think we’ve ever met a single one that’s a remotely redeemable character.

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I will take a pass on Naga.


Oof, this would be just like watching worgen go alliance for me back in Cata all over again. And I don’t like ogres. This would be really disappointing for me. :frowning:

Alliance has enough elves. We don’t need fish-elves.

Incorrect, and even so the Worgen have shown that’s not always the case and they could have been an offshoot fighting the empire under the waves

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High Elves for Alliance and Mok’Nathal for Horde.

Naga for Horde, Gnolls for Horde, Murlocs for Horde, Quilboar for the Horde, Ogres for the Horde.

The Alliance can keep receiving copy-paste races; that seems to be all they want.

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That don’t make for a good reason to add a race to a faction lol.

There needs to be a good lore basis for it to work. And atm I am doubtful with tyrande and malfurion is around that this will work out well.

Though Naga as a playable race is interesting, I don’t think alliance is for them

A race with honestly no representation or history that’s honestly already filled by orcs.

The ogres bring something new.

High elves are on the Horde.

Ogres are honestly great though.

Yeah cause you’re a night elf.

There was a Naga in vanilla who seemed alright -

… but one singular exception does not mean there’s “playable faction’s” worth of neutral-decent Naga. They’d have to make one, which… the Old Gods are dead, so they could say that without the influence of the eldritch mountainous horrors, the Naga chill out. It would hardly be the most ridiculous reversal they’ve foisted on the game to make a race work.

… That said, their non-humanoid anatomy is pretty much a complete showstopper. Not even the “armor” aspect - that doesn’t really matter. However, mounts, chairs, any object that presumes the existence of legs would have to be dealt with, and I honestly don’t see them putting in the necessary effort to make it work.

Also Naga suffer from the same NPC gigantism of so, so many others that also makes them a hard sell. Not, “blot out the noonday sun with their buttcheeks” bad, ala the Ogres (who are also disqualified for this reason), but it’s another problem that, rather than trying to resolve/fix, would probably just make the devs. go, “yeah, let’s just do something easier.”

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I prefer half elves for the alliance

Eh. I know some people like them, but I just don’t see the appeal in what’s essentially a fatter orc to me. And this might sound really bad, but most ogres give off “early internet Down Syndrome mockery” vibes that I always found distasteful. Even if any ogres added weren’t of that variety, that ugly first impression’s always going to stick with me.

They already accept the Highborne

I can actually imagine Malfurion and Tyrande calling accept the Naga crazy and Azshara being there telling them " nooo I’m a good girl :pleading_face:"

Ogres are an evergreen bad guy race in World of Warcraft now. The writing is on the wall with Exile’s Reach.

Meanwhile, Mok’nathal are different enough to justify being their own race.

And yet when we laid siege to the Nighthold, there were three armies - the army of the Night Elves, the army of the Blood Elves, and the army of the High Elves.

I don’t know how much existing lore there is for “Half Elves” though. Whereas there is a Mok’nathal clan and a big name Mok’nathal hero.

There’s a lot of Silver Covenant lore that is untapped, and some potentially great looking racial armor to tap into.

Um. What? Demigods?

You keep using that word. - YouTube

None of the Alliance leaders are demigods, except for maybe Tyrande. For god sake, the King of the Alliance is just a little boy who was thrusted into being a leader! Not a demigod. Don’t believe me? Ask Google.

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Ehh I don’t see the correlation.

Orcs are war like and practiced shamanism where Ogres used arcane and created empires, relished in the arts and based a lot on ancient Roman culture.

There’s a pretty bold difference.

Is this some sort of “post-colonial” take?

Look, I like political correctness to the extent of “Don’t be a hateful bigot”, but this idea that we can’t have simple minded barbarians in a game because you might get offended on behalf of someone else who isn’t even taking offense is ridiculous.

“Strong and simple-minded” has been a trope for like… most of human history. Hello? The Odyssey?

Honestly yea, sounds good to me

It’s stupid ogres aren’t already playable since they’ve been loyal to the horde since day 1 basically

Naga could easily be brought into the alliance, it’s been shown multiple times not all Naga are loyal to Azshara so they could use one of those clans to join, or with nzoth being gone could work with that too

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