Naaru in shadowlands?

Aside from the dungeon naaru (that has been referred to in voice files and in dungeon journal as part of a broker encounter i believe) there is another naaru in maldraxxus

To me this is obvious baiting by blizzard that the light and naaru will play a part in 10.0, though i see it more as a “Dragon bait” of 8.2/8.3.

For those that are unaware for some time now there has been bait to next expansion early on in the expansions, from WoD and forwards at least

WoD was baiting at the start with the legion presence in most zones, nearly all of the zones bar 2-3 i think. legion had 1 zone with 50% of the story being faction tied, the small stuff about zandalari and kul tirans in Aszuna (which was going to obviously be the first zone pre-scaling) etc. BFA had the Drust stuff, and the voljin story to name 2 probably more, (void stuff was part of the expansion theme from the start as it was also hinted at ALOT in legion.

I do homever think this to be possible bait like the latter was, in that it will either end up playing the role of the void/nzoth of BFA, or that it will be for 10.0 OR that it would play a part of “dragonbait”, another possibility is that its a hint for 11.0, as you could probably argue that the void/shadow stuff parts of WoD was a hint for BFA, or that the mop “Legion invasion” part of wrathions questline was a hint of legion expansion, maybe the yrel stuff is part of the light hints for an expansion.

Idk but there are more than 1 naaru in the shadowlands.


Said Naaru is Void-Corrupted…

So…We have a Naaru of Light clashing against the Shadow of Revendreth and a Naaru of Shadow providing Shadow to the Maldraxxians who utilize said Shadow in Necrotic Wake to create Shadow Wells tinged Green with Death Magic!

Void and Death combined causes the Ghostly Green Death Energies to have Black mixed in it seems… Otherwise it’s just Ghostly Green…

Revendreth’s Shadow Magic seems inclined to torture Death and(judging from the Blood Spells) Life Energies until they are Red. Red Sin and Red Blood are everywhere in Revendreth.

Maldraxxus has a simple mixing of Shadow and Death with Death being dominant(the energies would be Purple or Sha-colored otherwise).

Guess we now know why the Light Elemental called the Ogres’ Death Magic Foul in Exile’s Reach… As well as why it hurts the Undead created by the Scourge which drew Death Magic from Maldraxxus: The Light hates Void in all forms!

Seems both the Maldraxxian invasion of Bastion and the cruelty of Revendreth can be laid at the feet of the Void yet again!

Seems Shadowlands involves not only dealing with the Jailer but kicking the Void out of Ardenweald(infected with the Nightmare) and Maldraxxus(infected by a Void Naaru being harnessed) purifying their Death Magics and making the Necrolords not an abomination against the Light!

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naaru final boss of shadow lands
trying to remake the afterlife with many cultures into one light filled one

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I dunno what to think of the cosmology any longer. Seems like they’re just doing whatever regardless of what was previously established.

They need to start making heads or tails of it if I’m to start caring.


(Commentary): In a sense, yes. I agree with you, they’re not playing by the book, they’re mixing and matching things. That said, that doesn’t seem to be a matter of forgetting the cosmology unintentionally or otherwise, but rather, it’s the story they’re giving us now.

(Speculative): I think what we’re starting to see is the repercussions of the defeat of the Burning Legion. Many different forces were working against the Legion, or with the Legion, or were trying to stay off of the Legion’s radar, and now that the Legion has been defeated, are moving of their own initiative rather than what is in their best interests in regards to the Legion. The Naaru are perhaps the most obvious example as they were focused on the Legion for so long. The Void is another easy one to see, since with the Legion’s defeat they can move much more freely without being so forcefully opposed. Death had been raided by the Legion in the past, but now, well… it can move without fear of being enslaved by it.

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What do you mean by this?

(Query): Weren’t we told that the Lich King’s crown and Frostmourne both originated in the Shadowlands, and were taken from it by the Legion?

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Yes indeedy. But correct me if I’m wrong I think it remains to be seen if it was stolen, borrowed, or simply forged in the Shadowlands.

My humble opinion, the armaments of the damned (helm, sword) were forged in the Shadowlands and some sort of deal was made between the Jailer and the Legion, perhaps for Azeroth’s souls to ultimately be given to the Jailer.

Now that the Legion has been defeated and the pact broken, mister Jailer wants his mojo back. What I think most fascinating is how Sylvanas explicitly referred to Bolvar as a ‘usurper’. Someone clearly thinks Bolvar doesn’t deserve the power or title of Lich King, and my wager is it’s the Jailer.

I thought this was “new info” in this expac, and that previously they’d just been Nathrezim artifacts? If so, wouldn’t that be a case of “forgetting” the lore?

(Commentary): I believe (but may be wrong), that the old lore regarding the helm and sword was that they were made by the Tothrezim, a kind of cousin race of Nathrezim, to create the Lich King. Of course this was RPG lore, so learning the helm and sword came from the Shadowlands instead of the Twisting Nether isn’t so much a retcon as expanding on their origins.

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The wiki isn’t always reliable, but it cites p. 204 of Arthas: Rise of the Lich King for this info. I can’t confirm because I don’t have that book:

When Ner’zhul was transformed into the Lich King by Kil’jaeden, his disembodied spirit was shackled to a magical suit of armor as well as the runeblade, Frostmourne. Trapped within an icy tomb called the Frozen Throne, both the armor and the blade were crafted by the Nathrezim[1] for the purpose of containing and controlling the Lich King.


Old lore is the nathrezim made it but I think the Shadowlands origin change is an intentional retcon because they have said before they don’t let continuity “hinder” them, not a case of them forgetting.

On the other hand I think a retcon from them straight up forgetting the established story is that Maldraxxus is the origin of the Scourge architecture. It used to come from Azjol-Nerub. So now the nerubians just inexplicably coincidentally built buildings identical to Maldraxxus somehow.


I always thought they had to have got it from some outside source anyway. Because the scourge seemed so different to the demons and the Lich King was trying to turn against them. Kel’thuzad called the Dreadlords the Lich King’s jailors in WC3, like the Lich King was some dangerous entity they had to keep under close watch.

Would find it hilarious if the Naaru ‘Xe’ra the Light Mother’ showed up to the Demon Hunters with a warm welcoming party all like:

"Surprise Demon-Snitch, I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me. :wink: "

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The Crown and Armor of the Lich King hadn’t gotten an origin till now unlike Frostmourne…

All we knew was that the Legion fetched a finely crafted chunk of ice from the furthest regions of the Twisting Nether(back when it and the Shadowlands were one and the same) and shoved Ner’zhul’s Soul into it creating the Lich King.

Every source repeated this statement… Only Frostmourne has origins given to it and by the Dreadlords themselves(in WC3 they claim the Lich King made it while in the Arthas Novel they claim to have made it) and they are well known liars!