[NA]AoTC Andy's, need filler roles. Sunday 7PM 1day AOTC

Returning for a second season of great success, We are looking for primarily one tank and dps to fill out our roster.

We are a one day a week guild raiding sundays at 7PM MTN for 3hrs or until heroic is cleared.

This guild is focused on getting AoTC at the start of every season.
We will continue to run the raid every week until we cannot fill the core roles. Once that occurs we will put the core raid into hiatus until next season where we will start up again.

What is the purpose of this style of play? Our core friend group likes to focus on mythic plus and swap to other games once the season dies down.
However we still value clearing the content in a timely manner every season without pugging or guild hopping.

What are the loot rules. We are doing free roles through all of normal.
In heroic we will do a wishlist system.
At the start of the tier/upon signing up you will send an officer your two bis trinkets. And your bis weapons.

Discord: nesbigbasher
Bnet: NeSS#1796