[NA] [Stormrage] [A] <Challengers Burden> Looking for more for S4 & TWW (9/9 Heroic)

Raid Times – Tues / Thurs 8-11 EST

AOTC Focused

Primary Needs: Healers & RDPS, but all DPS welcome.

Who are we?

Hey everyone! We’re a group of ex-mythic raiders that prefer to just take a more casual approach to the game now. We like to try to keep it light and joke around during farm or in between bosses, but like to focus up when its game time. We’re mostly made up of people in their late 20s to late 30s.

What do we do?

We’re an AOTC focused raiding guild that likes to have fun between pulls and actually socialize with one another. We have achieved AOTC each tier within a month or two, max. We also focus on M+ and would even be interested in Alt Raid nights (assuming there’s interest, of course).

What are we looking for?

We’re looking for RDPS & healers, mainly. To give a more apt breakdown of our “wishlist,” please visit our page located here:

(guildsofwow → Challengers Burden)

We expect everyone to constantly strive to be better. That means staying up to date with class changes & knowing the optimal rotations and specs. Please realize that we’re not going to be overly hardcore and start to bench people if they fall behind, so long as they are trying and are getting better as we realize that not everyone is going to be the absolute best. If everyone puts forth the effort, we can have a great time killing things and wiping less :slight_smile:

We like to see everyone at the raids, but we also understand that RL stuff happens, especially at most of our ages. As long as you let us know on discord that you can’t make it and don’t just ghost us for the night, we won’t mind that much.

Remember: We’re looking for players who want to join in and become a part of our group of friends. We’d like you to stick around and maybe even play other games with us, especially during the lulls we all know WoW to have. Please let us know if you are interested!

Discord is the fastest way to get a hold of one of us usually as we aren’t always in game, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t wanting to play WoW!

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to add any of us listed here in game or on discord. Thanks for taking the time to read this and look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Info

Battletag : Tiberyon#1915

Discord : Tiberyon#4711

In game char : Shocksley-Stormrage

Battletag : Corey#1859

Discord : cstraws

In game char : Shiestey-Stormrage

Battletag : Ramladu#1794

In game char : Ramladu-Stormrage

Battletag : GTSChurch#1335

In game char : Stoicheion-Stormrage or Krovahriin-Stormrage

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Still looking for more. Come join us!

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Shameless self-bump.

We are still looking for more to join us for S4 and TWW. Bring a good attitude and knowledge of your class/mechanics and should be all good.

Its okay to be learning something too, so long as you are making progress and are willing to accept assistance if needed.


Friday bump. Still looking for more
Like minded players!

Another bump up. S4 is looking good for us but more are always welcome as TWW approaches!

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Still need a couple of dps and a healer to fill out our roster!