[NA] Join <The Wayward Respite> - A New Classic WoW Guild for New Classic WoW Servers

Looking for a chill, PvE-focused guild? The Wayward Respite welcomes all classes, with rogues, mages, and hunters especially needed. With just 9 members now, we’re aiming for a full raid team by Molten Core! We’re casual but dedicated, using the Suicide Kings loot system (no GDKP). We will be on a soon-to-be-decided EST PvE server. With a mix of former mythic raiders, ex-top PvPers, lifetime players, and new players, there’s a place for everyone.

Interested in joining? Reach out to “backslash27” or “vision” on Discord to chat and see if we’re the right fit.

I am interested in talking to you all about joining, however I hate to say it I do not see away to DM without knowing you or a common server. Am I missing something?

Ah you know what, that is a good point lol. I think you can add me as a friend on discord and message that way? Sorry its a bit of a pain!

Edit: I am OP btw, just swapped toons on the account.

Raid day and times?

We are torn right now between Tuesday 8-11pm or Wednesday 8-11pm, both EST.

Edit: I am OP btw, just swapped toons on the account.

Reached out on disc to chat