[NA - H/A] Borderline Sanity AOTC Guild LFM

TLDR: Tues/Wed evening Heroic team LFM for Season 2. Top priorities - Lock and 1 heals. Other needs - Aug/Dev, Frost/Unholy, Hunter. Rules - Don’t be a problem. Bnet @ MaxTurbo#11774

Borderline Sanity is a Zul’jin based AOTC guild looking to add to our core heroic roster. We’ve successfully progged thru each tier since forming 4 years ago. Raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday 8:00-11pm. Invites go out at 8, pull trash at 8:15 and first boss engaged by 8:30.

We have 2 M+ static groups that are also looking for 1 DPS each. First group’s push day is Thursday evening at 8:00pm and then will push more on evenings where everyone’s available and it’s not raid night. The second group is still hammering out the details.

Rules are simple, don’t be a dick, an elitest, a bigot or racist. We’re 100% NSFW but inclusive - Just be a decent human lol. Loot rule - We reward dedication. If you are consistently late or no show, loot will be given to dedicated members first.

One fun thing we do is if you have the most avoidable deaths in raid prog, you will be sent The Mug of Shame.

You can message me on Bnet @ MaxTurbo#11774 for more info or invite.