NA-Fairbanks-H-PvE-PvP-LateNight <clearly>

< clearly >

is a PST/Late Night Raiding Guild from the west coast PvP server Fairbanks.
[Horde][NA][Tues/Thurs/Monday(Mondays Uncommon atm) 8:30pm-11 PST (11:30pm-2am EST)][Loot Council]

About Us -

We are a core group of friends and friends of friends. A lot of old buddies and raiders have come back to reunite and form new friendships. The guild leader and officers combined have over 5 years of raid-leading experience both in retail and on private servers. Many of us have vanilla raiding experience and beyond.

Loot Council -

Loot Council Factors are based on a very simple weight of 6 different criteria that should all be taken seriously and of equal importance.

  1. Attendance - Being ready for invite on time and staying for the entire duration of the raids.

  2. Performance - Based on DPS, class expectations (dispels/decursing/cure poison), avoiding raid mechanics, consumables, and world buff efforts.

  3. Effort - This is based on your efforts to improve your character individually. Such as farming pre-bis, enchants, and overall individual progression in terms of knowledge/experience/contribution. ALL are important.

  4. Items Benefit - This is based on the assessed benefit of an item for the greater good of the raid and its progression. There is an understanding that some items are simply better suited for certain classes over others. This does not mean that the item will not eventually open up to other classes but first drops might carry more weight for specific classes/specs/utility.

  5. Recently Received Loot - The guild will not be loot funneling to specific classes/players (Excluding MT). Spreading out loot will help the overall progression of the guild.

  6. Non-Weighted Items - These are a list of items that are either considered a very minor upgrade or a PvP/non-useful item. Items in this category will NOT be counted towards receiving loot(wont be weighted) and will be distributed with /roll (still prioritizing relevant classes first). However if you are interested in a specific item on this list and want priority over rolling, you can let your respective class leader know; it will just then count as you having received a normal raid item. Items that you request using this method over rolling WILL be counted towards receiving loot and tracked. Our goal with this is to accomplish two things. Firstly eliminate the bad feeling of getting a very small upgrade that might prevent you from future loot. Secondly reward people that want to take a slightly alternative route when gearing up.

Recruitment -

  • High Priority -

-1 Very good hunter!

  • Medium Priority -

-Fury Warrior

  • Low Priority -


We are always accepting exceptional players regardless of class.*Excluding Tank

Everyone in the guild is aware we are looking to get more raiders than available spots, due to the nature of 40 man raiding. Currently roles are “filled”(some more than others) but we will be evaluating performance, reliability, attitude etc, and making adjustments. If you’re looking for a back up/fill-in role or you’re an exceptional player that can prove themselves, please contact us.

Also we are ALWAYS recruiting any and all casual players that would like to join the guild. The more friends the better :slight_smile:


Discord - chase/cup#7954 IGN: Cup/Chase
Discord - Sneakyshadow#9420 IGN: Sneakyshadow/Sneakynacho
Discord - Neglekt#4224 IGN: Geezy/Skeezy


Great group of people and looking for more to join!

We are actively looking for more people, especially healers!

Everyone welcome; very friendly group of people. Lot of experience with classic raiding in there (via private servers). Join us to have fun while we stomp through raids. :slight_smile:

Just joined myself. We’re friendly and professional with lots of talent and appreciation for all things classic WoW related. Looking forward to jumping into this much anticipated throwback in one of the best states WoW has ever been in.

I’m a part of these fine folks as well. Join us for the fun, the friendly, or the easy raid clears. Whatever works for you :slight_smile:

Hey joined this guild a hour before name reservation went live and talked with everyone. Good environment and pumped for classic!

This guild is really coming together.

Joined yesterday! great vibes, very active guild and seems to be filling up very fast.

Very active and knowledgeable group with many year of experience.

Can’t wait to play with these guys once classic comes out the wait is killing me!

Are you guys still looking for people?

Yes we are!

Hi i just wanted to say we are currently working on networking out to all the horde guild leads on Fairbanks so we can all become acquainted. I would like to arrange a time to talk briefly about an upcoming discord meeting involving a majority of the horde leaders for Fairbanks. Hope to hear from you soon.

Welcome everyone and see you all in classic!

Free pizza on fridays

In need of a druid tank

Need any priests?

Adding you on discord today interested in joining

Too bad there aren’t pandas in classic