[NA] DPS/Tank and Healer husband and wife LF mythic+ focused guild

Looking for an active guild focused on (or at least very heavily active in) mythic+ dungeons. Our longtime group of dungeon pals ended due to real life so we are looking for a new place to call home for socialization and key running. I have reached 3K+ on multiple dps (rogue, spriest, hunter) through pugging; my wife primarily heals on druid/shaman and has been less enthusiastic about pugs - our main goal is to find a community to have fun and casually push towards KSH without resorting to pugging.

We are West Coast players with family obligations - prefer a guild with peak active hours between 8p-12a PST throughout the week. Generally casual, fun and active atmosphere is more important than progression. We are not against raiding - we have every AOTC - but will probably not be the most consistent raiders, at least right off the bat.

If you have a potential home, feel free to contact me: Tokamak#1624

Hiya! We are a newer guild, but very active. We are an OCE guild with several US players (myself included) so our peak hours are 6p-12p PST.

Hard Like Heroic is a home for collectors, completionists, and ‘solo players’ who love to play and talk about wow without the stress, drama, or pressure to perform. We have a very active & welcoming discord, we are cross-faction, run keys and are recruiting raiders for AOTC in TWW.

If you’re tired of the toxic environments and elitism found in many performance-driven guilds, you’ve come to the right place.

Who We Are: We pride ourselves on a low-stress environment where players of all levels can thrive. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, there’s a place for you here. Our founders, Fendred and Rawr, envisioned a guild where friendship and teamwork are valued above all else. We believe in supporting each other’s growth and celebrating our collective achievements.

Our Values:

Inclusivity: We welcome players from all backgrounds and skill levels. In our guild, everyone is treated with respect and kindness. Community: We believe in building long-term relationships between our members. Whether you’re looking for someone to quest with, tackle challenging achievements, or simply chat with, you’ll always find a reliable friend here.

Fun: Above all, we’re here to have a good time. While we take our adventures seriously, we also know how to kick back and enjoy the journey.

What We Do:

Teamwork: Together, we tackle dungeons, raids, and other challenges as a cohesive unit. We believe that by working together, we can overcome any obstacle.

Learning and Growth: Whether you’re looking to improve your skills or learn a new class, is the perfect place to do so. Our experienced members are always willing to lend a hand and share their knowledge.

Collecting and Completion: Are you an avid collector or completionist? You’re in good company! We love hunting achievements, mounts, and collectibles together.

Raiding: We are still in the works on setting up raid times. We are waiting to fill out a bit more and look at everyone’s availability to choose the best times. Tentatively, we are currently looking at Sundays and Thursdays 8:30-10:30p AEST with an alt group on Mondays, but it is subject to change.

Join us on our epic quest through WoW as we strive to complete every challenge the game has to offer! Together, we’ll forge unforgettable memories and build lasting friendships. Adventure awaits—let’s make it legendary!



Message any of us for a Discord invite link!

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!