[NA] [Bleeding Hollow] <Bleeding Hollow Warband> rebuilding team

Hello everyone, We are in search of people who like to raid. We have lost some of our core members due to other games they are playing. Currently need 2 tanks and dps. We are a group of family members and friends who over time stuck with us. Bleeding Hollow Warband is looking for people just like that, who find joy out of playing the game with friends made in a guild. We are casual at best but also enjoy smashing out raids. So far we have progressed into Heroic territory with newly made friends and some from other WoW titles (Cata Classic). Our raid times are Sat/Sun 7pm-10pm server or EST. If you are intrested in what are guild has to offer I recommend joining our team. You can also reach me in game @ Ruluxy#1799 Thanks!