NA [A] Top Alliance Guild. Tues/Weds/Thurs 6pm PST/9PM EST

<Bold Strategy> is a gaming community spanning the existence of WoW’s entirety. Together, we have completed the highest end game content of every expansion both on retail and on private servers. We aim to continue our legacy of end-game success in Classic WoW, to achieve this we seek passionate end-game driven players who want to experience the entirety of the content with one consistent raid team.

What makes us different: We are the balance between real life responsibility and serious raiding success. In our core we have parents, business owners/entrepreneurs, students, and military; so we understand the burden of responsibility. Even with more than 10 years of raiding we still commit ourselves to our hobby, proving that we are not only burn-out proof, but we often outlast the majority of guilds around us. We are a group of adults looking to make the most of the time we can devote to the game. We also do annual guild meetups at Blizzcon or Las Vegas, NV.

What to expect: A group that takes the title WoW veterans seriously. Over time our core has accumulated a wealth of game knowledge and we intend to use it to continue to be one of the top guilds on the server we select. We are as active as humanly possible when not pulled from the game with obligations, and pride ourselves on having an inclusive social community.

Leadership that has actual real leadership knowledge and experience. Organization and time management are key elements to our raid structure. No waiting for AFK’s and little downtime.

What we expect of you: First and foremost, we expect you to know how to communicate with people, and not be an ornery anti-social wet blanket. If you constantly come across as an intolerable jerk, it doesn’t matter how skilled you are, we’ll tell you to $%&! OFF.

Have the ability to manage your time and plan your schedule like an adult. The raid times are clear, if you can’t make them consistently, don’t waste 39 other people’s time.

Be able to be accountable. If you make a mistake, speak up and say something, so we can learn from it and move on.

Lastly, and most important, you have to be able to be relaxed and have fun and flip the switch to raid mode. We expect “serious face” effort and will accept nothing less during raid. Outside of raid, what you do on your own time is up to you.

Server TBA.
Midwest based.
Looking for 1 player of each class.
Guaranteed raid spot.
Tues/Weds 6pm PST (9pm EST) Thursday will likely be added down the road.
Major needs: MAIN TANK QUALITY CANDIDATE. Class Officer(s).

Please Join Our Discord to chat/post here/PM me on RealID: Zakk#1324


looking for solid like minded players to push content

Yes we are, who wants to get smacked by a boss for us?

Monz added you. Love the post. Let’s talk.

Former GM and officer in a bunch of top US guilds. Main tanked through 7-8/15 of naxx in classic. Have two really good RL buddies lf a home with me. Probably a bunch of others too. We were going to make a guild but don’t have that kind of time

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That’s awesome, I added you to my Real ID. Sorry I just got back from running errrands all day.

Still looking for quality players. Hit us up!

I want in!!!

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Spaces still open!

Hey you guys sound like my kind of people, rolled horde in vanilla looking to turncoat and roll alliance Im interested in joining! Human Warrior Arms/Fury

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Hi, I am in Las Vegas and searching for a local Guild for Classic (currently playing Alliance on Faerlina). I heard that “We Be Vegas” was a guild but haven’t located them. Can anyone point me to a contact?