N’Zoth Quest

Really? I declined several times but the quest never completes. It just sits there in my quest log.

I heard the whisper after having the gift removed.

Would like to know if keeping it will lead to an alternate quest later, or if it is some sort of bug that choosing to keep the eye in the dialogue option doesn’t lead to being able to complete the quest with that choice. With Saurfang and Baine, when the game told us that we were about to make a permanent decision, it let us complete the quest in an alternate way.

With this, it doesn’t give you an option to finish the quest with an alternative selection of keeping it. Instead, you just leave the quest incomplete (or abandon it and leave an exclamation mark above Talanji’s head). It’s pretty awkward, and makes the decision to “keep” it seem less like a character choice in the story, and more like a player choice to play around with a joke mechanic.

If you’ve heard word at Blizzard HQ that there actually is meant to be a real quest choice with this, and it’s not just a weird joke remnant buff, it’d be nice to get that info as soon as you can share it. I mean, we don’t need to know WHAT specifically is planned, just that SOMETHING is planned and that that something doesn’t involve us just keeping that quest as incomplete or abandoned.

This is inaccurate (unless there’s been some hotfix on this since I got mine). The quest does not complete for Horde who choose to keep it. It’s true Horde players get an extra dialogue on the quest NPC that says you’ll keep the curse, but when you push it, it just makes the NPC close their dialogue box, without actually changing the quest to one you can turn in. For Horde to keep it, they have to do the exact same thing as Alliance, which is to… just ignore the last quest and leave it incomplete or abandoned.

Ah I thought it completed it. I’m not the least bit interested in Losing the Gift anyways. We had better not have to turn it in to continue the story later on.

What’s the point of keeping it? It’s just cosmetic and you get a toy when you turn in the quest that puts it on again.

Toy has a duration, Gift itself does not. Also allows you to see others who have kept the gift, something those who purge the gift cannot see.

Would really like a blue answer on this (whether from Bornakk or another blue):

Is keeping the Gift of N’zoth a “story” choice, along the lines of supporting or opposing Saurfang, with an alternative quest chain set for the future? Or is there only one story path here, which is just turning in the quest that cleanses the Gift of N’zoth?

Again - the game prompts you with a dialogue box warning you that you’re making a permanent decision, which is a misleading thing to do for something that isn’t meant to be a real story choice. We don’t need to know the specifics of what future quests are coming, just whether or not a future quest IS coming based on a choice, or is not coming.


I believe the permanent decision is about choosing to remove the real non-toy eye and not being able to get the it back, which is not misleading even if the eye itself doesn’t become part of a future story.

I’d say it’s misleading because having that prompt implies future story importance to removing that eye buff. Lots of quests in the game world have involved temporary story buffs, how often do you get one where removing the buff (as a natural result of turning in the associated quest) comes with a special game warning?

Think of it like this:

  • Player: “I’m here to turn in my quest.”
  • NPC: “Okay, I can remove that N’zoth thing.”
  • Blizzard: “Careful, once you do this, you can’t undo it. You’re about to make a permanent decision.”
  • Player: “Oh, wait, so there’s future content for those that keep it?”
  • Blizzard: “Nope.”
  • Player: “Then what’s with the warning.”
  • Blizzard: Shrugs.

I don’t want this to come across as me attacking Blizzard. I’m only saying it’s misleading IF nothing actually is planned for the thing (even if it’s unintentionally misleading), and if that’s the case, it’d be a nice thing for them to fix by not holding back that information.

Like I said in my prior post, I’m not saying they should give the plot details of future quests (I like avoiding spoilers), just an indication that there WILL or WILL NOT be a future quest alternative for those that keep it. I really like the idea of Blizzard adding player choices to the game once in a while with story pay-offs, it’d be good to know if this is or isn’t one of them.

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The toy’s duration equals it’s cooldown, so I’m not sure how that’s an issue

Is this questline still available? I never see the naga WQ on my pally to even start the quest. Just wondering if I’ve missed something

It is. I got a new alt to 120 yesterday and picked up that quest first thing.

I’m seeing the Naga Attack! WQ up in Stormsong right now. Kill a few Naga in that area and you should have the Medallion drop.

Awesome! Thanks!

How do you get to the altar?