[N-Rp] (--) The Gathering Voices (A Loa Reverence Event)

The Gathering Voices

A time for Loa worshippers to gather, speak, give tribute and seek blessings. Those in attendance need not be trolls, horde or worshippers. However, respect for one another at this event and for the Loa is key.
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Date TBA
Time(MG/WRA): 8pm/6pm (9pm EST)
Server/Area WRA / Gurubashi Arena Entrance, Cape of Stranglethorn
Who Can Join? *Everyone

*Everyone that isn’t a Hakkar, G’huun, or Mueh’zala worshipper. Antagonism is not welcome.



  • The gathering begins with the strike of a gong, and a short introduction to the Loa and their importance will be spoken.

  • Following this will be the Invocation. A call to the Loa that will be primarily recognized during the current event, though there will be a part for all loa to be invoked.

    • This month’s Loa:
      Bwonsamdi, Dambala, Hir’eek
  • As the invocations are done, all present will be invited to take part in the Earth-Bound Blessings.

    • Earth-Bound Blessings: There is one unifying trait that all Loa have: They share the earth of Azeroth. Using special stone, wood, and bone tablets, those seeking blessings may come forward to proclaim the Loa they seek to honor for a boon, and mark a tablet with their hand print. The tablet is deposited into the fire, and the Observing Spirit is /pray’d to.
  • The official gathering ends after a closing speech and the strike of the gong. Attendants are welcome to stay and mingle, but are otherwise free to depart and leave a *totem of their attendance at the end of the Arena Ramp.

  • Formal/Ceremonial attire is greatly welcome, but not required.

*(These will be given out for horde side, but can be found on the AH as Thoughtful Post, Angry Post, Happy Post. Spears are fine, too. No banners/guild battlestandards)

(While this is more lowkey this first meeting, I plan to make it a recurring event every third week of the month and hope to add a little bit where planning and interest allows.)


9/22 Notes

Caang-Bal’an Tawbo

I've been wary to use the zandali parser much since the elite shadow hunter issue arose, and others were finding more words that were unsavory. Thus far, this seems okay as the translation for the Earth-Bound Blessings.
  • Caang and Tawbo come from the zandali parser, which were two less offensively connected to irl words when searching them.

    • Caang takes the translation for Earth.
    • Tawbo- Pulled from a line in this quest
      • (https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/A_Tribute_for_Death)
  • *Bal’an- derived from a Somalian word “ballanqaad” which seems to mean to promise or similar wording. Bal’a is a fanon zandali word I have heard before multiple times, so I went looking for where it may have derived from, if anywhere.

*I checked enough places to cross reference and hope this is close to the proper word. If anyone knows, please contact me.

Loa invocations

Generally taken and shaped from info deemed canon, and supplemented depending on their known domain, subtext clues, or real world inspiration. Wow lore is sparse in a lot of places, but most especially on the Loa due to retcons or lack of updated/new info.
  • Quetz’lun, for example, being connected to cunning in trade and warmth for the drakkari comes from Quetzalcoatl, an important deity in Aztec religion. I also use the context clues of who would have given the fire weavers their power to draw this connection to warmth for Quetz’lun.

  • Zanza is never said to have been a regular troll in life. But I twist it in the invocation to suggest that stories of trolls ascending to godhood are linked to Zanza rather than Bwonsamdi openly, considering the latter is a little more scary in lore to spread rumors of.

  • Gral is a seeker of knowledge? This comes directly from the Tales of de Loa tablet for Gral.

Future Thoughts

I'm not entirely happy with the structure of the Loa invocations, but I've been told it was pretty informative so I'll stay away from meters on these. For the moment, I'll be working on refining the written parts and I'd like to actually provide citations in the future, even retroactively. I'm also working on giving things more flair with what items can be used ingame, not required but it's a lot more entertaining than just posting text back-to-back.

As far as fanon used to shore up what Blizzard doesn't, I'm not keen on pulling from the rpg manuals given the old text's intent to portray Loa and Trolls all in one broad stroke.

10/21, Next Gathering

This month’s Loa:

  • Bwonsamdi
  • Dambala
  • Hir’eek

Reminder bump that this event is coming up on the 21st.

With Holiday travel and plans likely to ramp up next month, I’ll likely see about hosting these sooner in the third week if not the second week of the month.

Loa harvest festivals are an idea that would be cool to pull off, eventually.

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Cancelling this month’s event due to flu related health issues. I’ll add the notes I had and next month’s date when I’m healthier.