[N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring!

No matter where I end up going. I always find myself returning back to Blackwater one way or another.

The staff is friendly and the events are plentiful while also doing much for the community at large through the Free Seas and by extension, the Rusty Nail which is hosted every Tuesday.

I highly recommend checking them out if you enjoy world building with a cast of outlaws.


Simply one of the most welcoming, enjoyable RP guilds on this platform. I have had a blast playing with them and they have something for everyone in terms of events which happen multiple times a week.


We now return to ‘Commentaries on Azeroth with Milo & Baron Spray’ already in progress…

(Milo, Factionless Gnome Frost Mage… and Commentator): “And one area I have been particularly interested in is the ascension of Lord Protector Turalyon since the departure of King Anduin which has left the throne vacant of a Monarch. Turalyon certainly wields a great deal of power as Lord Protector, but does he have the influence to maintain the King’s justice with a House of Nobles and House of Commons currently at odds. Your thoughts, Baron?”

(Baron Spray, Self-Exiled Water Elemental… and Commentator): “These will be trying times for the mortal Turalyon. It is also shocking to hear that his wife, Alleria Windrunner, has been absent since their return to Azeroth. As a mortal yourself, do you believe that will have an affect on Lord Turalyon?”

(Milo): “Indeed, I do not doubt it for a moment, and if there is a talk of divorce, as certain gossip columns have suggested, the question of how that will effect the Lord Protector going forward. Of course, a statement from the Palace is ascribing these rumors as dark and sinister motives by rivals, most likely from House of Nobles. As a Gnome, I’m somewhat immune to petty Human jealousies. So the idea that a nobleman would spread these rumors are unfortunate, but not surprising. Your thoughts on these rumors?”

(Baron): “Unfortunately, most elementals are used to rumors in our elemental courts. It’s why I elected to remain outside of the Abyssal Maw and instead live in your fish tank. Before we continue with this discussion, I believe we have advertisements to read, no?”

(Milo): “Too true, we do have some advertisements. First we’d like to remind people that ‘Commentaries of Azeroth with Milo and Baron Spray’ is brought you first and foremost by the ‘Azerothian Public Broadcasting Corporation’ or A.P.B.C. which remains dedicated to providing quality recordings across all manner of commsystems, gnomecorders, and other audio devices. We would also like to thank the owners of The Privateer, Azeroth’s number one publication for those in the adventuring, mercenary, and private seafaring trade. I believe you are a big reader of The Privateer, Baron?”

(Baron Spray): “Yes, I enjoy reading the columns of Roman Henderson and his price predictions. I also enjoy the weather reports, often by Mister Sarke Stormroar and sometimes Mumford Stormforge. In addition to The Privateer, we are also sponsored by The Rusty Nail Tavern and Eatery. Rusty Nail has been serving out of Blackwake for years. As their saying goes: “There are better things in the world than alcohol, but alcohol compensates for not getting them” Mention promotional password ‘Baron Milo’ for a free basket of Harry’s Famous Fried Pickles.”

(Milo): “You’ve mentioned how much you enjoy Miss Persefani’s hospitality, yes?”

(Baron Spray): “As a mortal human who is not a magician or a shaman, Miss Persefani is acceptable.”

(Milo): “Strong word of praise from a water elemental. Finally, our last advertiser, The Blackwater Company. Blackwater Company is the first name in private transport, artifact reclamation, and security. Their fleet of ships is backed by some of the most dedicated and professional ground forces operating in Azeroth today. Mention promotional password ‘Baron Milo’ in order to get 10% off on your next shipping job. Blackwater Company: By Land, Sea or Air… Blackwater is there. I think that covers the ad reads, but we need to take a break as part of the pledge drive. This is ‘Commentaries On Azeroth with Milo and Baron Spray’, and we will be right back after this…”

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Blackwater is still open for recruitment at this time. We are very excited for The War Within and plan to go xSever as we are already xFaction.

I’ve had multiple encounters with Blackwater. They are one of the more standup groups on the server. Great bunch of people.

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I personally have had nothing but amazing interactions with Blackwater Company. Triple A guild. 12/10 would recommend.

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After a couple days of back and forth about joining, I got ghosted for my in-game meeting so ymmv.

Sorry to hear we missed an interview. Sometimes life comes up, but you should have been told. I will reach out to my officers to remind them. If you’d like to reach out to me, I can take care of it. But I understand if that ship has sail, pun intended. Sorry again for your missed meeting.

It’s all good.

As an officer of the Company for a while now, I am proud to say I am a part of this RP collective. Engaging and interesting with a variety of things to do and enjoy, I was pleased with my experience from day one really, and I intend to do the same for others.

Questions or Comments? Feel free to reach out to Twinpoem-Moonguard.


Blackwater Company is amazing, this has been a PSA.

Blackwater is both xFaction and xServer. We are setting up for TWW, which should be a very exciting time for our guild campaigns and exploration. We are still a capped guild but room for a for more going into the expansion.

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Come play with us! We have rum…I mean cookies, I mean, rum and cookies!


i’ve been playing Rudhredion in one shape or form for many years in WoW. Since I joined Blackwater earlier this year I have experienced a wonderful community and some of the best character growth to date with Rudh. If you’re looking for a place to call home for your OC, horde or alliance this is the place to be.

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Blackwater has made it to Khaz Algar with one of the longest standing private fleets on Azeroth, and excited to (plunder) help out with salvage operations and other exploratory efforts.

“We are not pirates! We are Researchers!” - Rannan Korren

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Attended one of their Tavern nights! It was a blast.

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Had a great time with the Company last night at the Gilneas Black Market. I can’t wait to see everyone at the Rusty Nail Tavern tomorrow night too.

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Great news everybody! Blackwater Company is hosting a special event next week at the Rusty Nail. Come join us as we hoist the colors and partake in two contests with prizes, enjoy free drinks, and more.

Want more information? Visit the link in the message or join the Free Seas discord community:
