[N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring!

Amazing group! Tavern night on Tuesdays is one of the most fun community events on the server!


Whether you’re a seasoned roleplayer or a fresh-faced sailor, the Blackwater Company welcomes all who are ready to embrace the pirate’s life. From the creaking planks of our ship to the depths of the treasure-laden islands, your destiny awaits!

Set your sails, grab your cutlass, and hoist the Jolly Roger high! Join the Blackwater Company today and make your mark on the high seas of World of Warcraft. Arrr, what are ye waitin’ for? :pirate_flag::ocean::crossed_swords:

Visit our guild post in the recruitment section or send a parrot-carried message to Founder Jerard DeSirrus.

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This is your publicly mandated BUMP!

Here to remind you all that this tried and true company of Buccaneers, Pirates, and Privateers stands ready to join you in adventures that sail the seas of Azeroth in this World of Warcraft!

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The Blackwater still has some open spots!

Even if you are not looking for a guild, feel free to join us at our tavern on Tuesdays or at any other open server events we offer to get people out into the world and off city walls.

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Hi, I’d like to join! Who do I contact?

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Horde : Verasela or Persefaný
Alliance: Alonar, Gregorium, or Persefaní


The Blackwater is still hiring, we are in a slowdown for October due to other community events we are supporting, but back to our more significant stories in November!


They’re still hiring and running quality events, both public and guild centric!

We return to ‘Stormwind Lovers Saga’ already in progress…

Marsha was almost out the door with her bag in hand when William appeared from the other side of the hall. William, a veteran of the Fourth War, had seen so much which had made him hard a stone, which coincidentally was also the shape of his abdomen: hard as stone.

William looked at Marsha coldly before saying, “You plan to leave me now, Marsha? After all we’ve been through. After I helped save your family fortune from your scheming twin cousin… after rescuing you from those Forsaken kidnappers when you were living on that ranch in Arathi?”

“You’ll never understand, William!” Marsha replied, drawing a hand to her chest to protect her wounded heart. Her honey-colored hair framed her young face. Although years had passed since the Fourth War, she was still considered Lord Steelman’s fairest daughter. “I do love you, but I need a man that will commit to me.”

“Commit? I’ve already purchased the ring!” William shouted, “I cannot help it if it’s stuck in holding in Ironforge waiting to come here.”

“That’s the problem, William.” Marsha said, “If you had only used Blackwater Company. For over a decade, Blackwater is the first name in timely transportation! They have one the largest and most secure fleets, including air… sea… teleportation… and one can even ask about their mole machine service with quality mole machine pilots! They will get your goods anywhere in Azeroth, sometimes overnight!” Marsha turned to reach for the door to the Stormwind townhouse that she shared, “I cannot simply be your lover, William. I need a ceremony… a true bond. Something your brother Carlyle can offer me.”

“Is that so?” William asked as he stalked towards her. Although Marsha was set to go, to feel William so close to her. The spice of his cologne burning in her mind. She slowly leaned back against him before turning and embracing him. His kiss left her lips on fire.

“I will get you back, Marsha.” William took a slap from her as the two disentangled.

“If only you had used Blackwater Company.”

“Hello, I’m Staniwick Felmeter. Don’t let this happen to you! Consider Blackwater Company today! We are a top name in transportation and special services: Freight transportation, security, and actionable acquisitions. By land, sea, or air - Blackwater is there! Consider employment! Fair pay for fair work! Blackwater Company has recently taken part in the Dance of the Dead event in Darrowshire where we are pleased to be part of the greater Azeroth community. So if you’re a potential client or a prospective employee, visit Blackwater today!”


Bumpie Bump :open_mouth: :gift_heart:

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I could not be happier with the direction, growth, and future endeavors. Please reach out with questions, desires to join up, and even if you just want to rp with the company. Thank you all.

I need this to be a serial. What happens next?! Will William win her back? Will he learn the error of his ways and use Blackwater Company for all his shipping needs? The suspense is killing me.

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We Return to Stormwind Lover’s Saga already in progress…

“Victoria!” William called as he burst through the door. His shirt half-torn, exposing his sweat covered, heaving chest that was chiseled from Loch Modan granite with a sword in one hand, torch in the other as he confronted his ex-girlfriend, Victoria Vixen, poisoned an obsidian throne and dressed in sinful red. He would have normally have nothing to do with the heiress to the Vixen-Vandecourt Company of Gilneas and Kul Tiras, but the black haired beauty had two things: one, a lustful fire that could not be quenched for her former lover, and two, William’s true love! Marsha, hanging over a slowly lowering cage to the magma chamber below. After all this time spent pursuing Marsha from the streets of Stormwind to a whirlwind romance in Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, and now in the Burning Steppes! Wooing away from his dastardly twin, only to see Marsha kidnapped by his ex-girlfriend. It made William burn with righteous fury.

“Well I’m glad my Dark Iron mercenaries were not too deadly, darling. How could I not ring the new year in without being in my lover’s embrace?”

“Get me out of this cage and put a weapon in my hand, and I’ll show you I’m no damsel!” Marsha cried.

“Better blow a kiss to your girlfriend before all that’s left is me,” Victoria purred.

“I’m here to save my girlfriend! Victoria. What we had was tasteless and lewd- the kind of connection found in offensive steamy romance. Marsha is my true lov-” William’s advance was halted when Victoria casually tossed a vial of muscle attacking poison that caused his knees to buckle.

“Don’t worry, darling. Once you awake, you and I will have plenty of time to get over your broken heart,” Victoria rose, licking her red lips and holding her head high in her tight red bodysuit.

“Not so fast… Victoria,” Came a new voice from the side.

“Greatfather Winter!” Marsha gasped.

“That’s right,” Greatfather Winter walked in, extended his hand and conjuring a gout of flame that burned away the lingering poisonous red mist, “You can see me this 19th at the Rusty Nail-”

“Why are you a Dark Iron?” Victoria asked.
“Never mind that,” ‘Greatfather Winter’ said. At least his beard was snowy white, although he was a Dark Iron Dwarf instead of a Bronzebeard, “All I can say is that Marsha here wisely chose Blackwater Company. Which not only is number one in transportation, we also perform security work. Blackwater Company has professional agents, sellswords, and spellcasters that can handle almost any situation. From personal bodyguarding to low scale paramilitary operations. By land, sea, and air - Blackwater is there.”

“Get me out of here, R- I mean, Greathfather Winter,” Marsha said.

“I will,” Greatfather Winter said, “And then Blackwater is taking you down, Vixen!”

“You think you can take me?” Victoria sneers, reaching for the wicked dagger sheath wrapped around her firm thigh.

“I know I can!”

To be continued…

"This is Staniwick Felmeter! What an exciting finale! Do you want that same kind of protection where GREATFATHER WINTER himself shows up to save you and possibly your boyfriend? Consider Blackwater Company today for freight transport, security, and actionable acquisitions. By land, sea, or air - Blackwater is there! Visit Blackwater’s ‘Rusty Nail Tavern’ this coming Tuesday the 19th to meet Greatfather Winter himself!


Maude pinned the notice up on her bulletin board and decided that if she didn’t get to sit on Greatfather Winter’s shipping manifest this year, then Winter Veil just wasn’t worth celebrating.

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We now return to the Stormwind Lover’s Saga already in progress…

The Narrator who may or may not sound like one Staniwick Felmeter: 'Since the invention of the ‘kiss’ by the Titans, which was more pleasing, more positive, and less teeth and tentacles from the time the Old Gods debuted ‘their’ version of the kiss, there have only been five that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. The kiss shared between William and Marsha, two Stormwind youths from rival noble families almost put those to shame…

William pulled his head away, Marsha’s arms still wrapped around his neck as he gazed deep into her eyes, which shimmered in the low light of the nearby candles. “Oh, Marsha. I remember when we first met, we couldn’t stand each other. I had certain expectations of women… you were determined to prove me wrong with your independent fire.”

“And I thought you were just so arrogant,” Marsha said in between pauses of their shared kisses, not as deep or as passionate as their first, but expressing the love she felt for him, “I’m so glad we took this journey together-” She turned her head to a knock at the door. Rolling her eyes, Marsha turned to let William shout.

“The sign says ‘Do Not Disturb’ for a reason, Madam Maid,” William said.

“You have a delivery, sir!” A rather professional voice answered from behind.

“We didn’t ask for anything to be delivered-” William blinked as the lights suddenly flashed in bright yellows and the walls seemed to tear away. Even roof of the four poster bed ascended from the lovers, who were fortunately appropriate dress as the party entered carrying champagne bottles, exploding streamers, and wearing various top and cone hats.

From Mister Staniwick himself who led the charge, "You know, eighteen years ago, Blackwater Company was created to provide quality service in transportation, protection, and item recovery, and now we’re looking to grow into our 19th year! Blackwater Strong! But before we get to the birthday, we need to make one more post, thanking all of our employees…

"Rolfir Deepstone, who helped us out when those calendar models went on strike. Rafnir Blackforge, for helping keep up with our stock of Dark Iron conical rounds. Baron Scruff, our former groundskeeper at Blackwake, who turned out was a Baron the entire time - we are happy you let us set up an office on your lands. To Greg Carelis, who has risen to not only be a solid Captain, but the manager for The Rusty Nail. To Sarke Stormroar, Mumford Stormforge, Martin Fury - Our entire Privateer weather team for putting out those weather stories, along with Phylok, Dr. Delbringer, and who can forget Mister Roman Henderson on stocks.

We’d like to thank ALL of our Blackwater Company employees, ALL of our Blackwater Company customers, ALL of our allied companies, corporations, guilds, and orders from both the Horde & Alliance… and lastly we want to thank Hudson the Wolf…

Oh! And of course, thank-you Persefani and Stone for all of your hard work running the company." Staniwick turned to William and Marsha and said, “Take us out with a line, Will and Marsha.”

William and Marsha, who both thanked their lucky stars their state of undress was only slightly inappropriate for an entire cast of alts from Gnomes to Dark Iron Dwarfs… to that one Pandaren back there. Marsha took the initiative and said, “I thought were doing a scene here, Stan… Happy New Year, Azeroth!”

As for the rest and on behalf of Blackwater Company: Happy New Year!

Blackwater Company - By Land, Sea, and Air, Blackwater Is There!

Have a wonderful New Year’s and we hope all of our friends, both new and old will join us for next year as we celebrate Blackwater turning 19!

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I have never enjoyed my time in a guild more than I have this guild. Great people, active, fun, and mature. It’s my privilege to be part of it, and if you’re interested in joining, you should reach out today, or even come by tavern to meet us and hang out. Don’t need to be part of the guild to make friends, and we love working with other guilds to grow the community around Free Seas!

Excuse me, I heard something about unionized bartenders. Is this true??


Been a part of Blackwater for a time now, and after years of being in literal limbo i found my forwver guild home. Never been so at home in a guild as i have been with Blackwater.

We’re hiring! Friendly group of rpers who have events often. We work with other guilds well and most events are open to anyone! We’re crossfaction too so come by tavern on isle of blackwake on every Tuesday to see us!

I’ve been in many guilds since my time starting in Vanilla, and I can say this is definitely one of the best I’ve been in. The officer base is always engaged, the stories are fun and the members are funny and chill. A great place to enjoy your WOW time. Come and join us at the Nail on Tuesday nights, where the beer is cold and the food is always delicious.

Blackwater currently has a few openings. Our current campaign just got underway. Those interested can reach through an IG application or visit us at the Rusty Nail.

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