The Duskwatch Saberguard is in town and hosting another lounge night in Dalaran (using Northrend Dalaran for space) for all those that wish to come out and join us! This is open to both Horde and Alliance, we always carry tongues pots.
Come out, enjoy the menu, socialize and perhaps learn something new about your neighbors and friends!
Date: Friday, May 26th
Time: 5:30 pm server
Location: Northrend Dalaran’s Legerdemain Lounge
Theme: A Taste of Suramar
Promo image from Darkspear night:
We made Dalaran hop last night, let’s do it again! Come out Jan. 28 for Bar Night!
After all the chaos going down in Suramar for our guild storyline, we are going to need a bar night!
I would love to see Dalaran busier for RP! I hope I can make it out to this on one of my characters. 
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We will be in Dalaran tomorrow night for any that want to join us. Neutral friendly, bring tongues potions and let’s have some fun!
Gonna be a chill night in Dalaran for those looking to swing by!
Thanks to everyone that came out last night! We made some new friends and had some interesting conversations (Lovi insulted a noble Shal’dorei).
We’ll see you all next time!

We are back at it again! Dalaran’s Bar Night is a neutral event for everyone to join!
Stay tuned to our updates as we start adding themes to our night. Costume contests, trivia nights, etc.
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Come out and join us this Feb. 25 as we celebrate the foods and drinks of Suramar! We will have a menu of Suramar delicacies to taste and try and excellent wines to pair them off with.

The officer corps of the Saberguard have decided that Loviattar is not allowed to name things.
We are now advertising as Lounging in Legerdemain!
Come see us Northrend Dalaran (more space to sit although actual location is Legion Dalaran)!
Tomorrow night!
We’ll have a variety of drinks and Shal’dorei foods to try. You’ll have a very nice, not at all mean or judgemental bartender to serve you.
Yes, I’m the bartender this month. Good luck!
Our menu is prepared!
Come on out and see us tonight in Northrend Dalaran’s Legerdemain Lounge at 5:30 server!
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Just wanna say that I had a great time at this event! Found some familiar faces, as well as a few very interesting new ones, I can’t wait for next time!
We had a blast! Thanks again for coming out everyone! I’ll be posting our next date and theme soon!
Until then, enjoy a couple of screenshots from our Lounge night! Lovi gave everyone personality whiplash when she was so pleasant as a bartender only to turn around and be incredibly rude on their next mission. 
(Also want to point out, our gnome friend and Ace Pilot was a hoot! I can’t wait to RP with him again!)

I feel like these screenshots subtly tell the story of what must have been going on in Lovi’s mind that night.
First picture is her at the start of the event, second picture with the ominous border and less vivid colors is when her sanity meter starts dropping dangerously low. 
Lmao! Her good behavior was threatening to slip at the end. 
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Hey, it was a blast for me as well. Bit hard coordinating cross-realm, cross-faction RP but I’d love to RP with ya guys more!
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This month’s theme is Darkspear Cuisine! Come out for a taste of the Echo Isles with Darkspear inspired drinks and meals.
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