[N-RP Guild] The Archivum Vanguard Needs You!

Established Year 41 the Archivum Vanguard stands as the tip of the spear for the Dragonscale Expedition. A motley cohort of adventurers, scholars, and craftsmen, the Vanguard exists for a simple purpose: to solve problems.

From problems of disappearances, stolen or missing artefacts, foul creatures being unleashed from ancient vaults, protecting VIPs, or simply fighting in a battle, the Vanguard as a taskforce are focused on broad problem-solving. The exceptional individuals of the Vanguard hail from the Alliance, the Horde, and beyond. Anyone is welcome to join the Archivum Vanguard however, no matter skill or experience levels, for learning and self improvement are prized virtues of the Vanguard, and opportunities for improvement are available.

Following in the footsteps of their late founder, Lord Rubalan Summersky - the Blue Dragon Rubalagos - the Archivum Vanguard also works among the Blue flight to protect and preserve the history and magic of Azeroth, and to put down any who would threaten innocents.

Archivum Vanguard is a faction neutral guild on Wyrmrest Accord, focused on providing a place for Oceanic and late-night roleplayers. We have weekly mainline guild events, occasional social events, and weekly chill M+ runs. Our guild events start at 7PM AEST (midnight server time).

If you’d like to join please contact Weyrbreak or Spellfox in game, or traveller.returning on Discord.

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100% recommend this group for Aussies, Kiwis and Night Owls! It’s a fun, active community, and we’re having a blast! I’ve been playing on my mage and my demon hunter, and having a great time!

Administrator Azariah Weybreak removes the old poster and attaches a new fresh one to the Hero’s Call Board.

Bumping this thread, we are still recruiting, and would love to have any folks who want to RP with us.
Lately we are hunting down and exacting vengeance on a remnant of the Scourge, a San’layn!
Also, mysterious absorbing rock elementals have been encountered of late!

I just barely joined the guild, but I’ve known this group of folks for quite a while and they are uniformly excellent. Highly recommend hanging out and having fun with them.

The Archivum Vanguard is a stupendous guild indeed. We are currently embroiled in a plot to defeat a most dastardly and powerful warlock, known only as the Fortune Teller. A fresh plotline will launch with The War Within.