[ N - RP Event ] April 19-21 Menagerie Boutique Anniversary

We are hosting our 4 year anniversary celebration this year in Northrend Dalaran, and we are looking for vendors and performers! We will be setting up the vendoring area around the magus commerce exchange on Monday and Wednesday(Tuesday’s location will be given out that day) , but if we need to we will expand it to other sections of Dalaran, we will move over into the adjoining areas.

You can find the schedule of events here:

Monday, April 19th
6-7:30 Vending time.
7:30-8:15 Performances
8:15 (or whenever performances end)- Dance party

Tuesday, April 20th
6-7:30 Vending Time
7:30-8:15 Performances
8:15(Or whenever performances end) Dance Party

Wednesday, April 21st
6-7 Vending time
7-8 Performances
8 (Or whenever performances end) Dance party

All times are WrA/PST!

Find more info here: https://menagerieboutiqueanniversary.carrd.co/

Bumping back up!

Giving a bump back up to the top!

Still have some openings!

Bumping back up!

Bumping back up!

Starting tomorrow!

This starts tonight!

This is the last night!