“There is good in finding one’s own path, but for those who have no ties to any weyrn, and those who do but find themselves lost, there must be something to aid our people in this.”
Posted across various boards in the city of Valdrakken and elsewhere…
Hoth Aldon Shi!
The Chromatic Enclave is a guild formed for the furtherance and betterment of Dracthyr and Dragonkind; assisting in prosperity, education, services, basic needs such as food and shelter, with no enmity nor favor towards factions outside of the Dragon Isles. Primary loyalty of the guild is to Valdrakken as a city and sovereign nation, then the betterment of Dracthyr as a people and the other draconic inhabitants of the nation.
If your heart is with the nation of Valdrakken, Dracthyr, and Dragonkind as a whole, we welcome you!
Information on methods of contact provided underneath this description on the flier, mentioning the location of the headquarters building as well. (OOC location provided below)
-OOC Info:-
Hello all! I’m the guildmaster of the Chromatic Enclave, a new RP guild focused on Dracthyr and Draconic society headquartered in the city of Valdrakken.
We’re just starting out, currently hosting monthly gatherings in Valdrakken as a casual social event for Dracthyr and visitors to the city, located at the guild headquarters. Our primary theme is all things pertaining to Dracthyr, and branching out beyond solely combat-related affairs to facilitate education, commerce, art, and other aspects of a stable society. We are looking for Dracthyr who see themselves as Dracthyr – visage forms are fine but this is a Dracthyr-themed guild. That said, we don’t only allow Dracthyr, so any characters who may already live in Valdrakken or have particularly strong ties to Dracthyr and Draconic society as a whole are welcome to apply!(Alts for content are ok too!)
We want to act as a platform for members to host RP seminars, lessons, charities, or demonstrations of their various talents (i.e. Gardening, painting, philosophy etc.), and hope to collaborate with other communities in these activities in the future!
As we’re still in the formative stages, other event ideas are more than welcome to be suggested in our discord and ingame community, the links provided below.
Members stepping up to work as a team in building something with us is highly encouraged!
- Faction: Dragon Isles/Valdrakken Independent, friendly with both Horde and Alliance
- Server: Moon Guard, but all events are welcome to those from other servers. Edit 7/26/2024 We are now a cross-faction guild as well!
- Headquarters: Chromatic Enclave HQ (Proxy: Fallingwater Overlook, Valdrakken)
- Guild Type: RP Heavy, but some of us do Mythic+ and other PvE content
- In-Game Event Community Code: OVOL2rXiYql
- Mission Statement:
Questions? Want to join?
Use the link below to join our discord! Both members and guests are welcome!
As an added sign up bonus the silver one above will do your laundry for you for an ENTIRE week!
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I did not sign up for this! 
Edit: We’re having a tavern gathering tonight at 8pm server time though at the guild HQ!
Dracthyr and other draconic types especially welcome, along with other races too!
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Now running a new special, the silver one will give every new member a hug and do their homework for them.
Yes but
…Do dragons get homework? 
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I’m glad to see more dracthyr / draconic themed groups and events! Any effort to generate more RP in Valdrakken gets my support.
Thank you for saying so! That is our primary intent, bringing some RP to Valdrakken along with the Dragon Isles eventually, have another platform for Dracthyr and similar to do stuff 
Edit: Also we will be having a gathering this coming saturday again! Reach out ingame to Skips or myself or on discord for details
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New amazing offer to new members! Now in addition to doing your laundry and homework the silver dragon above will ALSO walk your dog for you!
Edit: This guild is both cross faction and cross server friendly 
Had an amazing turnout at the recent party to send off Dragonflight, and a rousing match of Dragon Golf to go with it! There will be more fun next month as we all work on leveling up and dungeoning in the meantime. 
We’re active and growing, so if you have a dragon in need of a home, reach out to either myself or Skips!
Time Criminal here! If you’re a Dracthyr and you want a home to call your own? Chromatic Enclave is where it’s at.
We shall be hosting another gathering tomorrow, so it’s a great way to meet members of the guild and others simply showing up to have fun! There is more planned for the next month too, so feel free to join our ingame community and especially discord to keep up-to-date on coming activities!
Other Dracthyr groups interested in working with us for future projects are also more than welcome!
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I personally cannot wait to see our dracthyrs getting new classes on the 22nd of this month. Imagine all the new RP opportunities!
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The floodgates have opened
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And we’ve grown considerably from it! It’s been amazing seeing such a range of dragons joining up of all classes and personalities. Our events have been even fuller from it, and we have plenty in store for the future!
A special thanks to Gigi of the Society Circle for helping us along throughout! They have a lovely and thriving network of roleplayers and I’ve personally made use of the discord both for our guild, and seeing about what else is going on in the community! Highly encourage checking them out.
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I like lemons. This guild has the best around. Come for the lemons, stay for the dergness.
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Rocrates will also do the laundry of new members for free.
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January already came and went, wow! We’ve had a campaign, special events, gatherings and more! Still active and still recruiting, just reach out to myself or Skips for more info or join our discord and say hello!
Edit: We’re also open to alliances on a case-by-case basis, especially with draconic-themed groups!