[N-RP 1/24/2025] <Court of Eternity>'s Grand Iris Gala - Looking for Helpers!

:cherry_blossom: You Are Cordially Invited to the Grand Iris Gala :cherry_blossom:

Join the Court of Eternity as we celebrate the beauty, unity, and diversity of elven culture at our biannual Grand Iris Gala! This enchanting evening is a rare opportunity to step away from the turmoil of Azeroth and immerse yourself in the rich traditions and shared heritage of elvenkind.

:cherry_blossom: Why the Iris? :cherry_blossom:

The iris was chosen as the symbol of the Court of Eternity because it symbolizes faith, hope, wisdom, truth, nobility, honor and positive change. As they also represent a bridge between the heavens and Azeroth, we see them as also representing a bridge that crosses faction divides.

:sparkles: What Awaits You? :sparkles:
:star2: An Inviting Night: With elegant music, dance the night away in your finery. Or take advantage of the Language of Flowers to meet someone new and learn more about them.
:star2: The Wishing Well - Visit the Unity Well, a gorgeous well that blends motifs from the Sunwell, Nightwell, Moonwells, and the Well of Eternity. Drop in a token as you pray next to it, or purchase a small vial to store some of the protective waters within and carry with you.
:star2: Neutral Ground: A rare chance for all—regardless of faction or allegiance—to mingle, network, and foster connections in a peaceful, inclusive setting.
:star2: Moments of Respite: Bask in an evening of tranquility, celebration, and camaraderie amidst the grandeur of elven elegance.

:spiral_calendar: Date: January 24, 2025
:alarm_clock: Time: 5:30 PM (WrA Server Time)
:round_pushpin: Location: Nighthold, Main Courtyard (uninstanced)

:sparkles: Calling Vendors and Security Personnel! :sparkles:
We’re seeking artisans, merchants, and entertainers to showcase their wares and talents. Additionally, dedicated security personnel are needed to ensure the safety and serenity of our guests. Interested parties, please reach out to coordinate your role in this unforgettable event!

:hibiscus: Be Part of Something Eternal :hibiscus:
Whether you come to marvel at the blending of cultures, forge new alliances, or simply enjoy the evening’s beauty, the Grand Iris Gala promises an experience you will cherish.

Dress your finest, and may the stars guide you to this unforgettable celebration.

For inquiries or participation details, contact Altherei Darkwind or Es’dai Lunathiel.

Elvenkind and allies welcome.

OOC: Please also feel free to contact us on Discord:
Altherei - anraheth

Es’dai - draikaina8503

UPDATE: We have a discord server as well! You can join with the code MUMVHMuxXd.


The Duskwatch Saberguard is well known and experienced in patrolling in Suramar if you need local security.


We look forward to helping our elven brethren.

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We are working on a Discord server for the gala now! We will post the link to it when it’s ready to go so everyone interested can join in. :smiley:

Hello, hello, everyone! I’m here with the Discord server invite!


Catering done by: The Cast Co.

We hope to see you there!

Giving this a bump now that the holidays are largely past- this is still on for the 24th, and we’re still looking for vendors, security, and a couple of performers! Please head to our discord for more info, or to reach out with any questions!

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This is ten days away! In addition to roaming refreshments provided by The Cast Company, we’ll also have Jam! The Vulpera Loa, Ban’dinoriel, and The Red Firefly present as vendors. You can also look forward to performances at the end of the evening by Rah’tiel Grimwood, Aelon Sunfury, and Keendowns. We’re excited to see everyone there!


Bumpity bump bump!

THIS COMING FRIDAY! We’re so excited to share this event with everyone!

This is TONIGHT!

Just in case you’re not sure where to go, head over to Uninstanced Nighthold in Suramar, in the main courtyard! (See ⁠event-map ) This is accessible by flying, and we will be in CURRENT TIME- make sure Warmode and Chromie Time are both off!

Secondly, we will have anchors available!

Altherei-WyrmrestAccord (Horde)
Esdae-MoonGuard (Alliance)

We will also have a Molten Core raid group set up to help folks stay in the same phase!

For the ⁠language-of-flowers , Altherei (H), Esdae (A), and Aelon (H) will be using the white item level flowers from the florist NPCs to represent our corsages for the evening. If you’d like to participate in this fun ongoing mixer, please be sure to stop by and poke your faction-appropriate individual (since we can’t trade xfaction) to get a random flower. See how many folks you can meet and befriend who have the same one! (Flowers don’t need to be returned at the end of the evening- they are yours to keep!)

Make sure you bring your Elixir of Tongues, some Inky Blacks if you want, and come in your finest ready to enjoy the evening!

:cherry_blossom: We can’t wait to see everyone there! :cherry_blossom:
-Alth, Es, and all of CoE


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Where is this, exactly? Unfamiliar with Suramar.

EDIT: nvm found it, memory of raiding Nighthold kicked in.

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