N-Event - The Return to Honor: Teldrassil (Concluded, Offerings Posted)

Link to special graphic made for this event can be seen here!!

~ The Return to Honor ~

:waxing_crescent_moon: :hibiscus: :full_moon: :hibiscus: :waning_crescent_moon:

WHEN: December 13th 5:00 PM SERVER TIME

WHERE: A secluded place in Stone Talon (link will be down below)
WHO: Horde, Alliance, Neutral

You hear word of a gathering happening soon in a dense, secluded , area in a vast forests in the mountains. A gathering that perhaps you recognize during the times of pain and loss, when mourning Teldrassil could not be done proper due to the treachery and war that began to unfold as the tree was only just lost a few months before. Even those who were not present during that first secret gathering may still feel drawn this special occasion. A place where Horde and Alliance can stand together in peace and reflect upon the tragedy that created so many rifts between people, factions and loyalties. Itā€™s a gathering where we return to honor the fallen tree Teldrassil and all that happened after, and its a return to the very honor we must vow to uphold.

The Azeroth Peace Council is returning one more time to one of our most memorable events An Honoring of Teldrassil with this new upcoming event:
The Return to Honor.

Unlike the first event in 2018, which was majorly for the Horde who had no safe place to gather and express anger at the events that began to unfold as well as the innocents lost in the tragedy, Return to Honor will be far more focused on both sides coming together now that things do not need to be hidden. An event for people who still need to express, grieve or still feel ashamed. But also, an event where we can uplift, support and see now to the horizon.

We understand that since our first event, there have been many events with the call to action to seek change in our behavior, to vow to never let these things happen again and honoring the fallen tree. But even so, we hope this event can be one last look to this idea and hopefully make it memorable for you all again.

So bring your Enchanted Lanterns once more and let us raise them to illuminate the dark hall of our future so that we make the trek together and return to what is right.

:waxing_crescent_moon: :candle: The Return to Honor. :candle: :waning_crescent_moon:

:crescent_moon: UNLIKE our first event, we will not be having pet adoption or a grand feast. This will be a lot more simplified, but still with the same over all message and feel. :crescent_moon:

Item to have with you: Enchanted Lantern. Both as a nod to our first event for it representing the spirits lost as well as an additional message added this time around.

:waxing_crescent_moon: :hibiscus: Schedule :hibiscus: :waning_crescent_moon:

:clock1: Gathering Time/Official Start: 5:00 PM ST :clock1:

:sparkles: Speaking from the heart: 5:30-6:30 Give or Take with RP :sparkles:

Feel free to PM , whisper, write a letter or respond if you wish to have a place to talk about your experience with the 4th War, Teldrassil or anything related in the domino effect that happened after the burning.

:seedling: Growing: A Ceremony of Honor :seedling:

A gathering where we stand with the tree, now bigger, once moreā€¦ there will be a speech surrounding it and a time to place offerings and mementos at itā€™s base.

:waxing_crescent_moon: :hibiscus: Rules :hibiscus: :waning_crescent_moon:

  • The over all fantasy of the event, is that two years ago this location was traveled to in secret by the Horde , and Alliance who heard of it, to grieve and mourn over the tree as well as what this meant for the times to come. While not much of a secret anymore, it should still be respected that this place remain under cover. Only those who can benefit from such a gathering knowing where to go.
  • If you want to go, feel free to make up a way as to how you heard about it! This one is not THAT secret anymore, and much more openā€¦but still feel free to say a bird told you!
  • Donā€™t grief, be OOC, bring OOC issues in or cause distress be it faction related or looking to cause trouble.
  • And one last thingā€¦for Alliance players. Please donā€™t start talking about how the Horde have no right to be at an event like this. We are a neutral organization, creating spaces for the characters they apply to.

:waxing_crescent_moon: :hibiscus: Location :hibiscus: :waning_crescent_moon:



We look forward to seeing you there, and looking to this event one more time like how we did on December 1st 2018ā€¦

See you all then, and peace be with you all.


Iā€™ll add this to the LFRP in game calendar.


Iā€™ll do everything I can to be there :purple_heart:


Itā€™ll be an honor to have there :purple_heart: :crescent_moon:


Evening bumpp

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Gonna keep a tab on this for character(s) who really has no idea the significance of Teldrassil. Or bring someone who shares the same sentiment of lossā€¦

Either way, this is worthy of a character development moment.

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Weā€™ll be glad to have you either way. If you think a character should go, I think they should! It can be a learning moment for them either way.

Thank you for interest, and be sure to tell your friends. Hope youā€™re having a wonderful evening, Wenzil

If not a return visit by Morwenna, then her daughter may appear or one other character. Iā€™ve got a few.

There is my official Sinā€™dorei nieces(?) of my two Highborne Night Elves as well. One big extended family.


Giving this a bump!
Hope to see people there.

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A bump! This is going to be IN A FEW DAYS!

This is tomorrow!

I know people are focused on Shadowlands and leveling, but who ever can attend Iā€™ll be glad to see you.
We currently have 0 speakers, so now is your chance to let me know if you have anything youā€™d like to say.

Little reminder, this event is not in response to the current events of the Shadowlands but a return to an event we did 2 years ago and looking to it one last time as we move on in our narrative in Azeroth.

I hope you all are having a fantastic day, and let me know if you wish to speak.

Hi! Iā€™ll be there. I hope you can find some Horde voices, but Iā€™m happy to speak!

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Would love to have you! Iā€™ll write you down as a speaker.

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Is it too late to sign up to speak briefly? iā€™ll check thread early afternoon (server) & confirm.

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Nope! Not too late. Iā€™ll add

Still going!

Great event. Hope to see more x-faction in the future. ^.^


A wonderful event! Very beautiful ceremony at the end! The effects used were awesome to see!

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Items of Memory

From the Return to Honor

At the end of the blessing ceremony, all those who brought offerings and tokens to place under the tree where given the chance to have their emote forever on display, just as it will be beneath the tree. Here are some of the few items our wonderful attendees of Return to Honor put under the tree, who has grown quite a lot in its two years alone and grew even more that night with our combined powers.

~ The items ~

Name: Glynindra Breezebend
Race: Kaldorei
Item: A carving of Teldrassil with small details of Rutā€™Theran, homes spiraling up the trunk, along with gems that fill the branches to mimic the light of Old Darnassus.
Emote: Glynindra Breezebend isnā€™t sure if sheā€™s talking to herself or the tree, ā€œI carved this out of a small log that I had carried in my bag since the Tree fell. This log came from south of Dolanaar. I hope that this wood from Teldrassil itself can carry its spirit into the new tree.ā€ She digs into the dirt a little bit, planting the Teldrassil carving next to the roots.

Name: Arielen Dreadtalon
Race: Blood Elf
Item: A golden chain, hosting a beautiful wedding ring
Emote: Arielen Dreadtalon plucked a long chain from her rig. A glittering and no doubt expensive ring dangled from it. She drifted forward, catching the chain with both hands and winding it around a branch. ā€œI pray that youā€™ll finally find your peace here, if nowhere else.ā€ Arielen Dreadtalon brushed her fingers along the chain, clasping her hand around the ring briefly. Her chin dipped as she offered up her prayers and eventually withdrew.

Name: Naimai
Race: Kaldorei
Item: 3 golden headpieces
Emote: Naimai withdraws 3 golden headpieces from her satchel, identical to the one she currently wore and approaches the tree. She sets down the three headpieces, touching each one. ā€œMerianda. Elora. Kelesth.ā€ She stood and looked up the thick trunk of the tree and sighed. ā€œRest in the solitude.ā€

Name: Baoshii Tumblebelly
Race: Pandaren
Item: The remains of Baoā€™s former walking staff, charred by lightning that it protected him from.
Emote : Baoshii unfurls an old wrapped staff, split and charred down the middle. ā€œMay this staff nourish nā€™ protect you like it did fer me.ā€

Name: Dragov
Race: Forsaken
Item: Drinking Horn
Emote : Drago returned later in the evening after all had gone and laid an old drinking horn at the base of the roots, something heā€™d gotten from a dwarf while he was alive. Hopefully heā€™d be able to buy another one from the same fellow one day

Name: Lyastei
Race: Kaldorei
Item: Crescent-Moon Pendant
Emote: Lyastei ventures forward, digging around in her purse for something. Eventually, she removes a small, crescent-moon pendant and places it at the base of the tree. Thankfully, her cane could find that. Lyastei utters a small blessing in Darnassian, speaking of forgiveness and unity, before she rights herself. She leaves her hand on the tree for a moment, just to feel it. Also, it told her which direction to go. She turns and walks opposite its face.

Name: Nattilain Gorstav
Race : Undead
Item: A contemplative, quiet wish.
Emote: Nattilain Gorstav stood before the tree as the denizens all left the meeting area. His violet eyes looking over the lavish petals, charms, notes, and belongings rested at the treeā€™s base. His eyes moved to a childā€™s doll rested at the treeā€™s base. With nobody listeningā€¦ he uttered lowly to himself and the tree. ā€œI doubt much peace will come for us. It will come long beyond our lifetimes. But I can only wish that my people find a home among life. The rift comes bigger, deeper, and thereā€™s no certainty weā€™ll ever find respiteā€¦ But I wish that you grow deep and your roots bridge this mighty divideā€¦ One day.ā€ He returned to a formal posture as Gotosh and Zargaron made their way back to the tree. Leaving the area without much else said

Name: Caleb McSwain
Race: Undead Kulā€™tiran
Item: Sheathed dagger
Emote: Caleb laid a sheathed dagger at the treeā€™s roots. ā€œBe warded from the gale. She will let no harm come to you.ā€

Name: Grinthey Skystrider
Race: Half-Elf (Gnome/Kaldorei)
Item: A small cloth satchel with various herbs and crystals she was told would be appropriate. Also, Grinthey sprinkled water from her homeland by the roots, hoping that the peace was really ā€œsomething in the water.ā€
Emote: Grinthey Skystrider nestles a cloth bag, still tied up, by the roots. Humming thoughtfully a moment, she pulled a waterskin out as well, sprinking a fair bit on the ground near the roots.

Name: Shaureyne Razorleaf
Race: Night Elf
Item: Shaureyne summoned a small amount of divine magic and used it to aid in the blessings of the tree.
Emote: Shaureyneā€™s brows knitted as she thought. Softly, hardly a whisper, she retrieved her necklace from beneath her gaiter and uttered a short Darnassian word. A soft flicker of silvery-blue light generated at her fingertips, and she gently guided it toward the tree.

Name: Haikili Thunderhorn
Race : Tauren
Item: A Picture of his Family, during one of their first outtings through Darkshore.
Emote: Haikili peers from seed, to satchel, to tree. Unsure of what to give, at first, he rummages through his satchel for a picture. A small image of his eclectic family on their way through Darkshore in a much more pleasant time. The backdrop wasnā€™t the original intention of the image, but itā€™s a snapshot of tragically bygone days, in retrospect. Gingerly, he nestles the picture in one of the budding boughs, snugly, firmly.

Name: Navataai
Race : Draenei
Item: A cancelled concert poster advertisement of the Idol Girl Navataai that was actually supposed to happen near Orgrimmar for the many fans of herā€™s that are of the Horde side. This was dated right a month after the burning of Teldrassil that obviously didnā€™t happen. The poster has an autograph of herā€™s with the following comment, ā€œā€¦ to live in one heart in common together ā€¦ dedicating all my concerts for peace and unity.ā€
Emote: Contemplation

Name: Dean Amaranthaea Crowelley, Ph.D.
Race: Worgen
Item: Seeds from her home/personal gardens, a Harvest Witch/Druidic blessing.
Emote: Amaranthaea dug into the soil with her claws, making a shallow home for the seeds from their personal gardens. She sprinkled the seeds then covered them over, patting the earth before whispering a soft, unintelligible blessing to aid the seedsā€™ growth. "Keep this tree company, little ones. Keep the Hope strong alongside it.ā€œ