[N] Assembly of the White Tiger

Rumors have arisen of the appearance of Pandaren Warriors clad in white, visiting teachers of the martial arts throughout the territories of the Alliance, the Horde and beyond. They speak of a great gathering in the jungles of Felaras; a meeting in honor of the lost legacy of Klannoc Macleod, promising great martial knowledge to those who heed the call.

A bag of lacquered tokens is left with these instructors as proof; requested to be passed to those wishing to contribute.

When: August 9th, 4:00 P.M Server Time (subject to change pending certain conflicts)

Where: The Maul, Dire Maul


The Assembly of the White Tiger is a seminar intended for the largely (and perhaps arguably) mundane fighters of Azeroth to share and discuss their martial knowledge and philosophies to the like minded.

In interest of efficiency speakers will have to apply beforehand. Desired topics are as follows. The order listed is also how I plan to present them:

Individual Martial Techniques

Martial Strategies

Related Philosophies

War Poetry and Similar Works.

There is currently no hard limit on how long any of these can be. Be mindful of the time these things may take to post, however; including questions asked in addition to lessons. I also highly suggest pre-writing your stuff.

Live combat was never planned as an official part of the event but attendees are obviously free to partake afterwards.

If you’ve seen my interest check thread you’ll know that this event is intended as a Warrior and Monk Summit primarily. If you haven’t seen that thread well…there you go.

Folks looking to contribute:

Simply post in this thread the IC and OOC names of the character you wish to use along with the category of your contribution. I also suggest italicizing it for added clarity.

And of course I’ll be looking out for questions and things of that nature.


IC: Kunbo Kettleclaw OOC: Kunbo
Monk (semi-retired) & Jihui Master
Related Philosophies: " Jihui at War: Opponents are not Enemies"

IC: Lianshi Steelpaw
Related Philosophies: Truth, Lies and Wisdom: The Reality of Duty in War.

I’m offering to contribute if only to reflect back when this character’s IC days in a monastery and when I originally rolled them a monk.

Just a bit of a heads up as it gives me an excuse to bump the thread.

I have, admittedly somewhat spontaneously, decided I’d capitalize on this little event of mine a little more than originally intended. On Yonara and my Horde Monk, Wentungmei (innuendo not intended), I’ll roam around Stormwind and Orgrimmar from time to time as Liangyu, the IC organizer. I actually have already started doing this but not I have more of a reason to be a bit more active with it from not until event time.

If perhaps you’d like to meet and/or get to know the host early, discuss associated matters, ask questions in an IC format or rp your character learning about the event you’ll probably have a chance to do so.

I decided to set the date back a bit; August 9th now.

Just thought I’d mention something in regards to Elixir of Tongues…

I’m gonna try to provide some from my own collection but I still strongly suggest folks bring their own.

See you in the next bump.

The time of reckoning draws near mothertruckers!

A reminder: If you’re gonna speak on something at the event you’ll want to sign in here. This is mainly to make sure things run smoothly and efficiently.

Aug. 9 is a Friday. Sadly, this means I cannot attend due to rl commitments.

What about Saturday or Sunday?

I think whatever date you pick some people won’t be able to attend, so please don’t rearrange it just for me.

But to answer your question: any day of the week except Fridays works for me. Also, I have advance permission from GM to be absent from any guild event that might get scheduled in the meantime.

Getting closer, folks.

On an extraneous note I was originally planning on doing this bump later, but at time of writing I’m queued for a dungeon very early in the morning and needed something to do.

Two weeks to go. Have a martial arts demonstration in the meantime.

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Behold! My second to last bump of this thread before the main event next week. Have another martial arts video.

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If only we could mog offhand onto weapons …

… Red Crane Windwalker & Fury Warrior .

I’m working on seeing if I can get out of my rl thing on the 9th. Won’t know until the day, though.


Alas, the final bump. Also yet another martial arts video, because what the hell else am I gonna do here?


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This sounds fun

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I’m glad you think so.

An interesting video featuring some more Western style sword fighting techniques. The video creator has a whole series/website devoted to the arts:

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IC: Zhii Fang
OOC: Zhiifang
Topic: His style of combat and philosophy behind it (no name for it yet but it’s a mix of Sumo and aikido)

((Might be 40 minutes late to this))

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I’ve seen Zhii fight. Scary!

Especially if there’s a tray of dumplings involved. :stuck_out_tongue: