So for those who said I’m not a casual and I am lying about how much time Ive played. Here is my shaman, 2 hours 18 minutes played this expansion and she’s 576 Proof
I’m just incredibly efficient at playing. I’ve logged it seems 24.5 hours in 19 days. That is not even 1.5 hours a day. Mythic 0 should have come out last week. Even us casuals are bored. And if you’re behind idk what to tell you? I watched every cut scene while leveling the first night. Just be efficient.
Good thing there isn’t one now. It’s two weeks from expansion release to season 1 start. Just like Dragonflight season 1 started two weeks after release.
On what world is 27 days 2 weeks? Release was 8/22, M+ comes out 9/17. M0s come out this week. At a minimum M0 should have been last week and M+ this week.
Nothing I guess? I barely touch the game and finished everything weeks ahead of time. It’s not good for Blizzard to let players get bored, we may never come back.
Good thing I never sad it did. But you should probably read what was said. I’m assuming you won’t, considering you think early access was official expansion release date.
So I’m not going to waste my time further to explain the gearing issues yet again.
Well, it will be 27 days before the Season actually starts from when I first logged in, so that is a fact, stop twisting stats to try and prove a point. BTW the seasons follow M+ and PVP not “heroic week” just an FYI.
EDIT: You had every opportunity I did to start on 8/22. If you delayed that for any reason that was YOUR decision.
they should have not time gated content… i dont know about everyone else but i havent even logged in the game. Ive spent more time trying to find a guild then actually playing the game.
I’m “casually” playing my 6 character army at 575+ ilvl and enjoying doing professions or just mining+herbing/delve farming mats, I had never really played the market and professions on the AH but I’m having fun doing so right now.
The good part is that no season helped get all of my professions established to the point that it’ll just be weekly minor maintenance for them from now on and can focus harder on the gearing aspect of the game I love in mythic dungeons and also getting Keystone Hero + the equivalent achievement for delves for the mounts.
People in WoW have no idea what a ‘casual’ player actually looks like.
I had an IRL friend back when Vanilla came out and he said he played WoW all the time. I was like damn cool, let’s raid. His highest level character was 37. After months and months of playing. That’s casual.
If you’re max level, have multiple characters with high gear score and are bored because there’s no Mythic+… you’re not casual.