Mythics - mechanics matter!

Just had my third failed Mythic 0 run in a roll because people simply refuse to follow mechanics. Wiping on tree boss in AA, wiping on Tempest in NO, and wiping even before first boss in RLP.

I mean, I really like the idea of more people getting into mythics and all that, but seriously… can’t just cheese it like heroics. But no one will talk, even when after the third wipe on tree boss I (politely!) told them what we needed to do. Nope, people just bail and that’s that, no talking, no asking questions.

So either I’m having a particularly bad run of luck or this is just how things are now… season’s definitely going great!


You’re a little behind the curve, season- and week-wise. Wednesday is probably best for M0, and the more hardcore M+ people are probably done with M0 in general.

From a healing perspective, M0s can definitely be harder than mid-range keys, but it all depends on the group. If the group’s damage is low, if they don’t interrupt/CC, if they don’t play mechanics, the healer has a miserable time.


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While probably true, it’s kind of sad if we’re only in the second week of the season and doing M0 is ‘behind the curve’, considering where it’s positioned now progression-wise.


I was in a Nokhud M0 yesterday, and we wiped on the last boss a few times. The tank bailed, but everyone else stuck around. The ret respecced to prot and we got a replacement DPS. We wiped one more time, but after that we finally cleared it.

Mechanics absolutely matter in M0 now (which is a good thing), people will eventually get around to realizing this and understand that wiping sometimes in an M0 is part of the learning process.


Wiping is okay. It’s how we learn.


I based this mostly on my social circle and what I see in the tool, but I don’t know if it’s really universally true. The 493 gear is still great for lots of players, and there are no spamable sources for Drake crests (only M0 and normal raids), so I think M0 may still be attractive to more hardcore (for lack of a better word) players, but they’ll probably do this earlier in the week.

Mechanics matter, yes. Every time someone dies to standing in bad, just link this quest:


These dungeons have been in-game for a year and a half, now. If people still haven’t learned the basic mechanics, then they’re definitely “behind the curve”.


I get that - except they won’t learn if they immediately bail or outright refuse to ask questions or listen to suggestions.

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Then they won’t learn. Some people are unteachable and should not be doing activities that require group coordination.


That’s their prerogative, I suppose. But if they don’t want to learn, then I guess they don’t want the rewards that come from learning.

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I mean its not like there isn’t videos out there too, even if they haven’t done them themselves yet - but yeah, by now you’d think they would know… sure, you get base mechanics from heroics, but its like they walk into a mythic and expect it to be the exact same.

To get through M0s, you either need mechanics knowledge or the ability to do high dps/hps. Unfortunately, the subset of people who don’t know mechanics has minimal overlap with the people who can do high dps/hps.


They should probably just add the silver proving ground requirement back in, but make it for using group finder, this time. Would tidy up a lot of this, I bet.


That’s…not really what was being talked about. :dracthyr_lulmao: Doing M0 in general is what was being talked about in my post and the part I replied to.

Probably. Its just so frustrating right now for people like me that would even be willing to “teach” others (or at least lead by example). I mean, just trying to gear an alt but its definitely been a bit frustrating. I know, guild runs would probably alleviate the PUG problem, but no time for guild commitment and so far its always worked out somehow… until today anyway.

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There’s a chunk of the playerbase that just expects to be carried by other players.


that boss sucks if u don’t got a purge and people aren’t grabbing orbs, healer def needs to grab theirs for the extra 10%

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And there’s the rub - the dark side of this new “Mythics for Everyone” system. Again, I get trying to get more people to do them, but not sure they factored in that a good chunk of new mythic players have no idea about the extra stuff they have to do. Be neat to have some sort of requirement for that at least.

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