Mythics Launching

I hate to admit but Blizzard is not ready to launch Mythics tomorrow, no way and no how. Dawnbreaker is too bugged, our group had to abandon the dungeon because it had us stuck on the very first boat with no way to fix, you can’t jump off to restart the encounter and teleporting out and back in did not fix either, it is full of bugs.

Darkflame dungeon is bugged as well, the cart escort bugged out and we were unable to grab the dynamite to further progress.

I also have noticed that some classes with aoe spells pull thru walls in Meadery and the Rookery, the list goes on with dungeon issues.

I think the expansion has been pretty good and I have enjoyed myself but I definitely think as a M+ player, Blizzard is not ready for launch tomorrow without these issues being fixed or else tons of people will have a lot of failed keys without it being on their own accord but rather bugs and the inability to progress due to a bug.

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I guess they’re daily reset now, so you get 6 more tries per week at it not bugging out

The only one you mentioned that is actually in the rotation is dawnbreaker.

As far as zeros… those will be quickly outshined by keys.
Just like how heroics are soon to be irrelevant.

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I’ve done the Dawnbreaker a few dozen times and never seen it bug, you probably did something like aggro mobs you weren’t supposed to in the beginning.


You probably interacted with game mechanics like you shouldn’t have? What even is that.

No, they should create a working product.

It does work, don’t pull extra stuff that infinitely respawns :stuck_out_tongue:

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While a part of me agrees, a part of me also says…the mobs are there and attackable, and nothing should break if they’re engaged. That’s a fairly reasonable expectation to have, isn’t it?

I’m gonna do Dawnbreaker once and reroll that key every single time afterward.

Worst dungeon in WoW history.

It will take quite a lot to unseat Oculus.

With that said, I’ve done the Dawnbreaker a bunch of times and I hate it.

Did you wait to check if you have lamp ?

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Unless they’re addressing issues with dungeons while activating season, they are not ready. Or they don’t care. Could be either.

I hate this so much. On Ret Pally and Frost DK, I end up pulling an entire room because I shot breath through a wall or my hammer light went 15yds through it.

You haven’t done it enough. I’ve had the issue on my tank among other pug tanks. We killed the mobs leading directly to the first boss then the mobs on the boat and actually end up killing all the mobs incase what you mentioned was the issue. Still no fix.