Mythic/Heroic/LFR Transmog Appearances for Siege of Orgrimmar

Siege of Orgrimmar no longer grants mythic, heroic, or lfr appearances of items, despite them still being listed in collections. This is an issue I noticed when trying to get the shoulderguards of dark meditations for my Dracthyr. All mythic/heroic/lfr items drop the same normal appearance. I assume this is not intended as I know I got mythic appearances from that raid as recently as this year, and I’m seeing others get similar items as recently as 2021. You will get the armor or weapon, and despite it saying ‘mythic’ or ‘heroic’ it does not give you the mythic or heroic appearance, but instead the normal appearance.


i literally made a topic about this exact situation and im also concerned if the mount will still drop or not because if the loot is only dropping for the normal mogs will the mount drop. i hope blizz will fix this or at least make it known if its fine and the mount can still drop ill be happy

I have the exact same problem. Ran LFR SoO, and got only normal appearance items.

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I would assume the mount is still available, because it’s on the loot table, but if it isn’t, potentially the tusks of mannoroth are also unavailable

Have the same problem, I think it’s simply dropping the normal difficulty transmogs for everyone.
I have a mythic item that has the normal difficulty appearance, meaning there is no current way to obtain these appearances even when the wardrobe is showing them correctly.

To be clear: Normal/Heroic have always shared their appearance. Always - even since the difficulties were called Flex and Normal (respectively).

I can’t speak for LFR difficulty, but Mythic items are indeed currently using the Normal/Heroic coloration making that difficulty unavailable for unlocking.

I managed to loot about 10 items I needed the appearances for when I took my Warrior through tonight. I figured the system was just being weird but started searching individual items near the end of the raid and noticed ones I still had in my inventory hadn’t unlocked. Then I ctrl-clicked and they were the wrong appearance.

I’m also unaware of if this affects other raids.

Confirming the same problem here. Siege on Mythic difficulty. Items are labeled “Mythic” but trying them on, both ctrl+click or just equipped, they look like Normal and do not unlock any of the Mythic appearances.

Edit - It seems even trying the gear on from the loot section the dungeon journal is also showing the appearances the same, the normal/heroic versions. Unable to see LFR or Mythic difficulty sets anywhere but the Sets tab under Appearances.

Edit #2 - Ran a a section of SoO LFR, and it is also dropping the normal/heroic appearances despite what the items are labeled.

I wasn’t aware that heroic and normal dropped the same gear, but still LFR and Mythic drop normal gear also.

If you look at the adventure guide, Siege of Orgrimmar looks like it’s the only raid with this issue, as previewing the mythic/lfr shows the normal appearance. I haven’t checked every single other raid’s adventure guide, but it seems like most of the pandaria raids loot tables are accurate based on the adventure guide. Anyone having these issues in another raid?

same problem here. hope they will fix it soon. :tired_face:

Some kind of update to at least know blizz is aware of the issue would be nice. Been a while, and it’s not even mentioned as a known issue

Posts here don’t get replies unless they need more info. Best you can do at this point is hope they fix it with 10.0.5, and any post thereafter if it isn’t fixed. If it’s not fixed with 10.0.5, consider posting again that the issue persists, though!

Adding: They also usually don’t add stuff to the known issues list after a few days of the patch going live unless it’s really big. In this case, it’s a really minor issue (relatively speaking) so it’s internal if at all.

Game’s 18 years old and the bug report forum is still a pretty hit-or-miss reporting location in terms of feedback, unfortunately.

At the risk of a general bump, I wanted to post in here in case folks are following the thread.

I don’t know exactly when (probably with the hotfixes today), but Mythic appearances are correctly unlocking while clearing Siege. I did not try LFR but the journal shows the correct appearance in the loot list when ctrl-clicking.