Mythic+ Tuning Now Live - Sept. 20


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Come on SV nerfs. At least the 2nd/3rd boss. Those fights are a slog and miserable.


Still most of the dungeons are massively overtuned. When are you going to deliver quality product Blizzard? I’m already at the point where i’m thinking about voting with my wallet so you get the message faster…


Why are you forcing us to do dungeons from previous expansions in the first season ? We want to do the new dungeons that just came out, not old ones that have been rehashed, changed and have poor scaling.

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This is the one I thought would get the nerf bat first.

Grim Batol, Dawnbreaker, and the duo boss in City feel pretty bad.

There seems to be an issue where Necrotic Wake, Siege of Boralus, Mists of Tirnascithe, Dawnbreaker, and a couple other dungeons are still in the “Season 1” rotation.

This has greatly impacted the enjoyment of the game, so much so that I might just unsub until Season 2, in hopes that we get some good dungeons.

As it stands, the only good dungeon is Stonevault.

I need some of what you’re having, cuz SV is PTSD inducing. 1st/Last boss? Fantastic. Really love the last boss. 2nd/3rd? I’ll just Doom Ritual myself it’s fine. I didn’t need that key anyway.

When you try to get a group for a dungeon and you get responses of “why?” And “lol just do a delve” it might be a bit overtuned.

Can devs play their own game on a plus 10 and see why these nerfs are complete joke when there is forti + tyrannical up at the same time?
Stitchflesh aoe needs like 50% nerf. Izo needs overall dmg nerf or orbs movement slowed down.

Boralus trash packs with captains + raiders overallping pull with charge killing groups, first boss pull range, 2nd boss insane richoshet dmg,3rd boss fountain making smaller races swim instead of run, lamps getting people stuck, final boss slam+debuff overlaps, in melle heavy groups this results in someone getting x2 knockback if debuff is on close ally,also tenticle turning to melle dps if tank was knocked a but further.

Grim Batol secound boss patrol speed needs a nerf to give more room clear time. 3rd boss spawns adds too frequent. Ascendands deal wayyy too much dmg and when mixed with regular mobs they cast 3x frontals in tight hallway space leading to no room for dodge. Final boss needs to spawn less tenticles or make safe spot more clear from the get go.

Stonevault horrible ability coloring on elemental and final boss where graphics are dark already making boss frontal almost invisible.

Did i mention xalatath affix that is very simmilar to thundering that got seasonal affixes benched. I DONT WANT TO BE FORCED TO IGNORE EVERYTHING IN MIDDLE OF BOSS FIGHT TO DO AN AFFIX. An affix that spawns on random person sometimes far from group, an affix that doesnt spawn all orbs at the same time or closer togather leading to wasting 2x aoe cc abilities often, an affix that spawns more ofthen than some classes can even get their cc back up like pala etc.

After trying the nerfs and seeing others stream it…does not seem to be much of a nerf… on both places…wake is still insane even on lower end of keys its still whack doing 1.1mil HPS and still struggling to heal through it what is this like a 2mil+ HPS fight lol?

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Indie company, go easy on them.

I don’t understnad how you’re not getting through that fight at that HPS. Maybe pick up some better dps for your group. How you’re not getting through him with 3 spears and an orb is beyond me.

True. Though i’ve solved it by greeding the first two crystals on my hpal and then picking up a third towards the end. The healing buff makes the damage trivial as long as the explosion doesn’t one shot one of the ungas.