I’ve seen so many people arguing against Death Counters or against Timers in Mythic+.
My question is a simple one, why not incorporate both and let players choose how they want to navigate the dungeon? What this looks like in practice would be that the only way to fail a key would be if you both exceeded the death counter AND a timer.
If you want to pull slow and execute perfect CC, that is a legitimate way to play the game. If you want to AOE pull and expertly use cooldowns and kiting - that too is a valid way to play.
You can keep your leaderboards. Literally nothing changes. You simply add the ability to also clear a key by going slow and not dying. Why is this problematic?
It’s not a legitimate way to play M+. Even being able to do that means it’s significantly easier than the timer counterpart while rewarding the same loot. How can you justify pulling 1 pack at a time and waiting for full CDs on bosses giving the same rewards as someone doing multi-pulls and beating the timer?
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They have been asking through surveys if this is something players might want.
I think that this would be more interesting than a timer. There, someone had to say it.
I can certainly see a death counter removing some of the stress and put more onus on each individual to “play correctly” instead of the biggest load falling on the tanks and healers.
I also think removing the timer and doing a death counter allows players with ramp-up to finally get invited. Yes, I realize that smarter players dont always want meta, but the biggest complaint in here about the LFG tool to create these is is that people often only want meta and non-meta specs either never get in groups or get very little progess done each week.
The design of Mythic+ from the get go was oriented towards speed clearing but that isn’t content that everyone wants to play. Why not allow me to play increasingly difficult content in my own way. The scaling of the bosses in the dungeon are going to be the limiting factor eventually anyways.
There is usually no reward for clearing a raid in a faster overall time from start to finish, why should a dungeon be any different?
At this point any comment about X getting the same loot as Y is kind of irrelevant with all of the systems and gearing/upgrade paths available in WoW.
Keep an achievement for timing all keys in the game if you really feel the need to differentiate.
I don’t see a drawback to adding an additional failure condition like this and allowing people to bypass the timer and opt for slower more traditional dungeon experience. It doesn’t hurt anyone. Dungeons bosses on +20 are still hard.