Mythic+ Team Recruiting 1 Healer and 1 DPS

Please make sure the schedule below works for you before reaching out.

We’re looking to fill our final spots with a healer and 1 DPS (prefer Augmentation Evoker) for our dedicated Mythic+ team. Our IO ranges from 3.2k to 3.7k, and our goal is to push for a title in Season 1. We’ve been clearing Mythic 0 (M0) every day this week and are looking to get some IO on the board next week. If you’re ready to push high keys with an experienced and motivated group, we’d love to hear from you!


  • Monday: 6pm - 10pm PST
  • Tuesday: 7:30pm - 10pm PST
  • Wednesday: 7pm - 10pm PST
  • Thursday: 7:30pm - 10pm PST

If interested, reach out to me on Discord: Knucks (underscores before and after).

Bump :smiley: still looking

All the way to the top!

bump for the boys

Have a great weekend everyone

Up doing the raid in hopes for some tier for M+ week!

Good morning bump!

Bump to the top for the boys

Super stoked for M+ week and will push regardless of full team. Stop by and get an update if interested.

Last bump for the night

added! Can play Holy Priest, Aug Evoker or MM hunter.

Still looking bump

Found some people and i think this is my last bump for now. Safety measures