Mythic+ System: Pros, Cons and Suggestions

I’m always down for more rewards. I’m one of those players who does M+ out of necessity, not enjoyment. More rewards will always incentivize me to pursue M+.
I would like to see a seasonal transmog be available (cosmetic only, similar to the Maw Shoulders we’ve been getting in 9.1) that has a chance to drop at the end of any +15 or +20 or whatever the number is, dungeon (in addition to the normal loot table).

I’ve expressed some similar thoughts on the council already ( My thoughts on the M+ system - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (
My only issue with a “sandbox” on retail, which counts towards M+ score is that within 2 hours we would know what the “optimal affixes” are for every dungeon and any group running something different would be trolled / abandoned, especially in higher keys.

In M+ post I said this:

I like this idea. But I would suggest making the timer optional. Add a little box to check off when you put the key in at the start of the dungeon. If you choose to run it without a timer, then completing it will add +1 to the keystone level. If you run with a timer you can still increase the level by up to 3. It ends up being a risk/reward factor then.

Absolutely yes. And I completely agree with templating it.

9.1.5 General Thoughts - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (

Make it cost even more valor to upgrade to 252, but why should that be locked behind even more RNG?

I think that Maizou’s point was that even in lower keys people often aren’t afforded the opporunity to learn. I would love to see a system where you can go into sandbox M+ with a group of players or NPCs (or both) to practice some pulls.

I assume you mean for resource regeneration so I’ll kindly add hunter to this list. :wink: