Mythic+ should be one of the best ways to make gold

In my opinion, WoW should be more like Runescape in some ways. In Runescape, the hardest content typically has the potential to generate the most gold, and I feel like WoW shouldn’t be much different. It drives more people toward harder content because they want the gold that can be earned. They level up, gear up, and put in the work so their characters are strong enough to farm tough mobs and roll the dice for something great to drop. That’s what I think is missing from WoW right now. If I time a key, I should be rewarded more than 50g, or at least have a chance for a valuable rare item to drop. Dungeon chests should have the potential to drop BOE transmogs, pets, mounts, toys, high-value vendor items, etc. Keep herbs, mining, and fishing materials separate so the market isn’t devalued, but maybe add items that professions would desire—like a consumable that temporarily boosts profession stats, or other sought-after complimentary items like epic profession tools. In Runescape it’s still profitable to go and cut trees down but if you’re strong and good enough it’s also really profitable to go kill some tough bosses to hit that slot machine button to see if something great drops.

Yes I understand Runescape is fundamentally different and those ultra rare drops are items that actually make your character stronger and pvp has the potential to lose it and so on, all I am trying to say is that end game content should have potential for generating a decent amount of gold.

Right now mythic+ gives you like 50g and sometimes you get an upgrade but eventually you stop needing the items that drop and those items essentially become worthless where you have no problem simply giving the item away to another player who needs it instead of vendoring it for another 80g.

Maybe at +10 the chances of something great dropping is maxed out so that there becomes a community of players that simply try to beat +10 dungeons as quickly as possible. Different meta comps would form for different reasons. I just think it’s something that should be explored a bit.


It already is the best way to make gold. It’s called boosting and you can make 200k+ per hour if you’re good.

Mythic+ and Raid are a net loss. So that you have to buy tokens to do content that you enjoy in the game.
Sadly I don’t see them cutting into their token sales like that.

At the very least, timing the key should give you like 1k gold, completing it gives you 500. Something better than the the hilarious 50g.


Honestly they need to make in game activities help people have a health net of 100k gold at least if they want to.

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Isn’t that what professions are and weekly events like the fishing derby?

it is. if you sell carries.

Sure but nothing wrong with making extra.

I completely agree with what you’re saying. The current environment basically forces players to become crafters or gatherers. If someone wants to focus on crafting, they can play that way themselves. Why force those who want to raid or do Mythic+ to do it? If we don’t play, we end up being exploited by these people, spending money just so they can play the game for free. You can give them things to farm or do, but you shouldn’t force consumption. And repair costs are another issue. I really hate how Blizzard forces players to ‘work’ in the game.

Well that’s if you want to make a ton of gold, I don’t need to get rich, it would just be nice to be able to collect some cloth and engineering scrap parts and a bit of gold at the end of the dungeon. Getting 50g is just a very unsatisfying reward for 30-40 mins of your time.

A little behind here, but yea, I hate mythics, but if they gave decent gold, I could be enticed.