Mythic Shadow Priest LF Guild

Hello everyone! Plan on maining SPriest for SL for PvE purposes. Mained it most of 8.3 until the tail end. Got 3/12M and 5/12M attempted. Can add me @ Maddexx#11162 on bnet or Maddexx#7427 on discord if wanted. :slight_smile: I can also play melee if needed. CAN NOT raid past midnight CST/10pm PST due to IRL things.

Hey Lunna,

“Libertas” is an Alliance Mythic raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-12am EST. We’re looking for experienced mythic raiders to bolster our mythic team.

We’re looking to maintain a roster of 24-26 players on a weekly rotation schedule. This affords us coverage in case of real life commitments and also allows people to progress at the same rate so we can avoid having a typical “bench.”

Our guild was founded in 2010 and we’ve focused on hardmode/mythic content ever since. We’ve prided ourselves on maintaining a drama-free, fair and respectful raiding environment ever since.

If this seems like something that interests you, we encourage you to submit an application through our website @ and our GM will get in contact with you to see if it’s a good fit.

Thank you for your consideration and best of luck in your guild search.


Tried to add you on disc, but it couldn’t find you. Sent you a bnet request instead.

Greetings Lunna, we are currently looking for Ranged DPS for our mythic group. I’ll leave our spam below. Would love to hear from you!

Claimed! Go away strangers!

Hello Lunna!

You sound like you would fit in perfectly with us! We are a new guild that is looking to get into heroic/mythic progression. All of our current raiders have 12/12H and/or some kind of mythic experience. We are trying to develop a team that loves to raid with each other, while progressing as far as we can. Our goal is to get into mythics, if you would like to give us a chance.

Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9pm-12am cst.

If you have any questions or if you are interested, please let me know!

-Discord: Tano#7981
-Btag: Caseclosed#11853