Mythic+ Rating Now Giving Less Per Key Level Again

Not sure if this is a bug or just a side-effect of less affixes at lower levels, but it seems like a +5 is granting closer to what it was before the +2 per key level that happened toward the beginning of DF. Can we get a confirmation from bliz if this is intended?

The total scores per key this week are going to feel “lower” due to not having the Fortified score component yet. Do you have any examples of what you think is wrong?

I thought toward the beginning of DF they changed the score to award an extra +2 base score for each dungeon level starting at +11.

So let’s take what was a 15 as an example:
The base score for a +10 is 100 and it was +5 for each level starting at +11, so a 15 would be (100 + 5*5), or 125. And then the score for both weeks would likely be something around (1.5 * 125 + 0.5 * 125), or (187.5 + 62.5) or 250.

After the DF buff, it was +7 for each level starting at +11, so a 15 would be (100 + 7 * 5), or 135. And then the score for both weeks would likely be something around (1.5 * 135 + 0.5 * 135), or (202.5 + 67.5), or 270.

The thing I’m seeing now for my first key this week at a timed one chest +5 (which is equivalent to a +15) and which should be considered my high stat affix, so * 1.5, is 189.5 (a little extra for extra time on the clock), which is closer to the pre DF score buff of 187.5. I was expecting that score to be slightly above 202.5.

I’m taking a look at my keys so far this season and comparing to the same key clears from last season plus 10 (to account for them essentially subtracting 10 from the key number). Specifically, a BRH 16 that I +2’d last season versus the NO 6 that I +2’d this week.

Note that these scores are how Raiderio lists individual runs, as the “best run” and “alternate run” essentially function as bonus/penalty modifiers in order to determine the Ty/Fort scores. Without those modifiers, a score for one week is essentially half of your total.

BRH 16: 144.8 score, key was 22.7% under time
NO 6: 136.0 score, key was 32.4% under time

The percent under time has typically been how additional bonus points are awarded. Thus, if the scale were the same as last season then the NO 16 should be higher than it currently shows. You may be on to something here.

EDIT: More research.

Runs are an AD 23 +2’d by me, and a BH 13 +2’d by whoever I plucked it off the leaderboard from.

AD 23: 193.5 score, run was 20.2% under time
BH 13: 193.5 score, run was 20.3% under time

The score scaling factor is clearly still present at levels 11 and higher. This makes me wonder if the additional mob health/damage scaling is also in effect for those keys. If so, then this entire thing feels intended (and also means that getting portals got slightly easier relative to prior seasons since the new “20” at 10 isn’t scaled as fiercely as the old 20).

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You’re 100% correct, the +2 bonus per key level is not being applied currently, at least not in the single digit keys.

I believe based on Thecheatt’s data there that it IS still working for +11 and higher. This is actually super important and we need to get some visibility onto this ASAP imo.

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Blizzard, no response on this? Seems like something that should be corrected ASAP via the Tuesday patch.

Or at least acknowledged.

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While not directly related to the issue of score, keys 2-10 are also giving far less flightstones per successful clear than the old 12-20 keys. Putting in basically the same effort for 12-20 but getting half the flightstone reward. It’s actually become significant work to get flightstones to cover all of this season’s available upgrades.

It seems in general that they didn’t quite think through all of the implications surrounding things that scaled with key level or kicked in at a certain minimum key level.

All of my ratings so far have exactly lined up with the expected formula. From what I saw the old “above +10” bonus is being applied correctly. It’s just the affixes moving that is causing problems. A +4 now in that first Tyran week has exactly 30 less rating available than a +14 would have at the start of last season (because it has 1 v 3 affixes). A +2 has 15 less than an old +12 (1 v 2 affixes).

This means whereas the S3 rating had the KSM line somewhere between 13 and 14, this Season has KSM pegged exactly at timing 15s.

So to clarify, this difference is the third affix that now kicks in at +10 that used to kick in at +14.

This lends credence to my supposition that the score portion being left as-is is intentional. Does this math change also mean KSH lands right at 20s (new 10s) again?

KSH is between 9 and 10. Timing all 9s should be 2448 minimum. Blowing them up maxes at 2528. So theoretically it’s possible with just 9s. But timing straight 10s is 2720 minimum.

And I agree, I don’t think this is a bug, likely just a consequence of changing the affixes. It was just misleading since they gave examples like “a +5 will be the same in difficulty and rating as an old +15”… Which it does use the same calculation, but does not yield the same rating.

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I know it may seem like it’s the affixes, but everywhere I’ve seen formulas for WoW M+, it indicates each affix is worth 7.5 rating, not 15. So I’m still not convinced they didn’t either:

  1. Forget to update their fomula to add the +2 score at lower key levels OR
  2. Just decided to stealth nerf the scores without giving any official statement on it.

I’m really just saddened Blizzard doesn’t bother to review their own bug report forum and respond with confirmation of which it is. What’s the point of us reporting bugs if no one is actually looking at them that can make a difference or answer them if it was intentional…

Sorry that this is frustrating you, but it really is just affixes.

The confusion on the value tends to come from the way that different sites describe how ratings from Tyr and Fort weeks are combined. The way I look at it with the current scale is that your best week (Tyr vs Fort) in a dungeon gets

15xAffix Count + 10.5x(Key Level +10)

Then your worse week of the two gets that same number / 3.

If you have a 5 Fort and a 2 Tyr Brackenhide, you would have a total rating of

15x2+ 10.5x15 = 187.5 for Fort
15x1 + 10.5x12= 141 for Tyr
187.5 + 141/3 = 234.5 Combined (with up to 7.5 and 2.5 more for better times)

However, some sites do that calc with the worse rating and multiply by 3, and others provide a calculation in between those two, and they both increase for best week and penalize worst. So if you see numbers like 10 per affix and 7 per key level, they’re doing the same calc as above, but they give you a 50% bonus for your better week and a 50% penalty for your worse week. All maths out the same.