Mythic raider LF mythic guild

Looking at getting back into raiding.
I have a few options.
402 prot/ Ret pally
405 restoration shaman.
397 disc priest.
403 resto/boomy Druid.
Can play any of these toons at high end level.
CE last tier after a lengthy break.
I have however done a few bosses this tier on mythic casually. Looking for a well established guild on any faction or server with guilds that can achieve CE preferred!
Add me on bnet for a little more information with your raid times to see if they suit.
Donvito#11281. Thanks in advance!

Bump please!!

Hello bro,

Esprit is a Mythic Raiding Guild that is looking for committed Raiders like yourself to push for Cutting Edge each tier. Drop me a pm in bnet and lets have a chat to explore possibilities!

We would love to have you as a Resto Shammy/Disc Priest


Guild & Server: Malus Nexu :Horde: Malorne/Stormscale/Fireetree/Drak’tharon/Spirestone Server Cluster
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8pm-11:30pm EST
Current Progression: 5/9M BoD 8/8M CE Uldir

Former group of hardcore raiders with a core that has been together since the release of Burning Crusade.

We want to see and progress the toughest content blizzard has to offer all while maintaining a casual atmosphere. Please keep in mind during mythic progression, raids can become pretty heated (as it does with most guilds), therefore we want to make sure that keeping a level head and being open to constructive criticism isn’t going to be an issue. Most (but not all) discussions will be held outside of raids to keep progression moving.

With that being said we don’t like our time to be wasted, our players are expected to perform at a high level, be on time for raid invites (accepting invites on calendar), come prepared with an understanding of progression fights, and have consumables (Flask and food are provided by the guild we only ask that you contribute to the bank so the guild can maintain cost)

Outside of Raiding we have a very active player base both in and out of the game, some of the things we do on our off nights include -

Multiple Mythic + groups and carries.
Weekend and off-night normals/heroics and Alt runs of current tier raids
Raid Achievement runs
Overwatch, D3, PUBG
And many other games outside of Blizzard

If you are interested in joining our group contact Colecainee-Malorne(GM) Btag: Colecaine#1970

Requirements: 390+ ilvl , 38 Neck, prior Mythic experience and CE Prog experience.
Needs: Resto Shaman and DPS, preference pumpers (Ret pala/Spriest/Mage). Any exceptional players are welcome to apply.

After a guild on oceanic servers that raid oceanic times keen to play any class!!

Hey mate!

Aerys on horde Barthilas is looking for someone with your set of skills! Preferably your OT would be good now but it seems you are a very flexible player which suits us immensely.

We are 9/9H 1/9M raiding 2 nights a week Wed/Thurs 8-11pm SVT. We do M+ ALOT and do offnight raid occasionally on mondays starting around 9ish.

If this suits you or you’d like to know more pls pm me:

Resurgence, Horde, Barth.
We are 9/9H, 1/9M.

We are looking for dedicated raiders to keep the progression moving forward.

BTAG Evilc#1288

Bump still exploring options

Dropbears of Funk are looking for a lock.

1/9m 8/9h.

Hi from Khaz’Goroth |Alliance|

Illumination is a seasoned Mythic progression guild, with the aim for Cutting Edge, looking to recruit exceptional players for Mythic progression
BFA Progression:
BoD – 5/9M

Raid Schedule:
Our current raiding nights are (all server time: UTC+10 AEST/UTC+11 ADST):
Wednesday: 8pm – 11pm (Farm/Carry/Sales)
Thursday: 8pm – 11pm
Sunday: 8pm – 11pm

If you’re interested in applying or would like to know more, contact myself (Tyra#1925), Dellen, Frozzard, or Nexald in game or through bnet.

Alternatively look us up on wow progress for a link to our application page.

Hi! Contact me on Btag Karangi#1156 if you are keen to trial with an Alliance Frostmourne +8 GMT guild. We are 4/9M and comprises mostly SG/MY experienced raiders.

Hey mate weds/sun with optional thurs night heroic 9pm-1130pm svt 9/9H and 1/9M with 5% on grong interested in your tank grim#14825 if you wanna chat

Hey there, take a read of my recruitment information below and let me know if you are interested!
Hello! Pàradigm is a 9/9H 3/9M BoD and 5/8M Uldir Mythic Raiding Guild. We are currently progressing on Mythic Opulence.

We are currently seeking exceptional and reliable players for core raiding positions in all roles, especially players who can play multi-spec. Minimal raid requirements is 400+ ilvl with a 38+ on your Azerite neck piece. Raiding times are Wed/Sun 7-10.30pm ST (GMT +10). Experience is preferred, and logs are highly encouraged. Optional heroic night is Thursday 7pm ST.

Come and join our friendly and supportive community, pushing hard for Cutting Edge this tier. For more information, guild invite or a trial with our team please use the contact information below.

Guild Master:
Aedralinna (Bnet Liberty#1758 OR Disc Kynalana#4340)

Second in Charge:
Kynterested (Bnet Vampiricaura#1316 OR Disc Vampiricaura#8040)

Hey there! Wired on Stormrage is looking for a talented resto shaman as well as a strong boomkin! I think we could be a good fit for each other! If interested, please reach out to any of our officers!

Wired (Alliance-Stormrage-US) Mythic Raiding Tue/Thur 8:15 - 11:15pm EST

9/9N 9/9H 3/9M BoD

5/8M Uldir

Current news: Wired is currently recruiting for Heroic/Mythic Progression for the Battle of Dazar’alor raid. We are seeking active players who take the time to study their class/spec, and show dedication to progression by having properly optimized/gemmed/enchanted gear. Attitude is the most important characteristic to join this raid team, we have a close knit group of members and while we do enjoy casual banter during farm runs, we like Discord clear and everyone focused during progression pulls.

Required Addons: Deadly Boss Mods / BigWigs, RCLootCouncil, Exorsus Raid Tools, WeakAuras.

We are currently offering WoW Token reimbursement for transfers if you pass your trial with us!

Raid Nights: Currently we dedicate our two raid nights to progression. We generally do alt runs or other fun activities Friday around 8pm EST. Attendance and performance are reviewed at the end of each raid night by the officer team; all raids are logged and published on Warcraft Logs. Once content is on farm we do allow members to come in on alts to help gear them up.

Recruitment Needs:

  • DPS: Warlock / Priest / Druid / Shaman

  • Healer: Monk / Shaman

Exceptional players will be considered outside our listed needs

Background: Wired was established in late 2008. We started on Skullcrusher then moved to Korgath and now ended up on Stormrage. We have been in all tiers of raiding since WotLK. We have experienced leadership and a core group of members who are always wanting to hang out and wreck some mobs and horde. We have a very active guild discord which is open for all guild members. We have a strong focus in BFA for strict Mythic Raiding and looking for others to join us into the Tier!

Please feel free to reach out to any of our officers!

Choson – GM (Divader#1585)
Syans (Syan#1437)- Raid Lead
Josh (Josh#17353) - Recruit Officer
Razgaline (Cptmullen#1738)

Flavour Town is a large community on Saurfang comprising of many variations of players. Among these 700+ people is a group of Dedicated Raiders that have pushed through Mythic Uldir and now we are ready to enter Mythic BoD.

Flavour Town’s Core Team, Lamb Sauce, has an average item level of over 400. We are looking for players who can make all raid times and want to progress through mythic content. We are currently 9/9H BoD and 1/9M BoD.

Flavour Town is full of dedicated players who love to enjoy everything World of Warcraft has to offer. We are a large community home to new and veteran players alike who are more-than-willing to extend any help you may need.

Lamb Sauce
We are looking for 6 players to progress as a full 20-Man group through Mythic:

1 Tank: Death Knight / Paladin / Monk / Druid
2 Healers: Priest / Druid / Paladin preferred
2 Melee and 1 Ranged DPS

Our raid times (Australian Eastern Daylight Time / Saurfang Server Time):
Wednesday: 7:30pm - 10pm
Sunday: 7:30pm - 10pm
Monday: 7:30pm - 10pm

Discord is required for raids.

We have a Community Discord! Contact me to join our Discord!
Character Name: Magjistar-Saurfang
Battle Tag: DarkLlama#1253
Discord: Magjistar#8813