Mythic Raid Compositions in Dragonflight

Looking into how the talent trees have formed so far, more raid slots are locked behind utility/buffs than ever before. Whilst I agree with the philosophy of people having cool stuff to bring to the table I’d argue a level of homogenization is healthy to prevent raid compositions from becoming a pure spreadsheet activity.

A typical Mythic Raid composition would have:
2 Tanks.
6 Melee DPS
8 Ranged DPS
4 Healers

Of these slots you have the following to consider:

Raid Buffs:
• Evoker
• Mage
• Warrior
• Priest
• Druid
• Paladin (Devo)

Group Buffs:
• Enhancement Shaman

Group Utility:
• Warlock (Gateway/Healthstones)

• Assassination Rogue
• Demon Hunter
• Monk

So we’re looking at a minimum 50% of the raid team pre-chosen. Whilst it can be argued the enhancement shaman is a nice to have, the rest are pretty much required else you’re losing a lot of throughput.

All of these options do not have an alternative source.


Not all of these need to have an alternate source, things like windfury totem are hard to thematically place elsewhere, but it would be really nice to have some of these able to be duplicated, especially for classes that don’t current have these ulility/buffs/debuffs… Look at what isn’t represented…

Death Knight
2 rogue specs
2 shaman specs

I have always been an advocate for not giving everyone everything, but in this case I think the buffs/auras/debuffs need to be condensed and / or extended to those other classes. Don’t add anything new, but give those specs another way to get something that already exists.

In addition to that, I’m a raid leader and GM for a guild where we always encourage people to play what spec they want, regardless of raid optimization and whatnot. So if my Sub rogue feels pressured to play Assassination for the debuff, that feels really bad for us.