This has to be one of the worst seasons of mythic plus I’ve played since mythic plus began. Where is everybody? I had an easier time getting into S4 Dragonflight keys. Sure, I play an outlaw rogue, it’s naturally harder for me to get into them. I am stuck at 2400s and the only keys I can time or even get invited to are my own. The only thing I can sum up is the IO points are accumulated for tyrannical and fortified. So once people are done with a key, they won’t do it again until they have a higher 1 of what they have already. Something needs to change.
The #1 cause of people being picky with their group invites is the Challenger’s Peril Affix. It creates a situation where one single member of the group dying a few times can easily make the difference in timing the key or not.
So in that environment, people are only inviting those who are meta spec, and/or over-geared, and/or have a super-high IO score. The risk for giving people a chance is just too high.
You also have the awkward gearing this season where even being ~619 doesn’t mean anything. You can get Champion gear from Normal Raid, Mythic +2, Delves, Timewalking raid, etc. You can crest-cap on Runed Crests doing nothing but Mythic +4 and upgrade all of those Champion pieces to 619. So now people prefer those who are 622+ bare minimum, and that expectation/requirement is going up every day.
Thats a good point. Challenger’s peril is beyond punishing. We have to absolutely have a good tank or heals in order to time keys. anything mediocre or below will be punishing. We can have mediocre dps that stays out of crap and time keys. It’s just way too punishing. hopefully S2 lightens up.
As a warrior I have always had the same problem in previous seasons but to a way lesser degree. The amount of time I have spent in que this season in unbelievable. Every step of the way it’s just painful.
Right now, I’m 624 ilvl 2487 io and I have EVERY key ++9 or +10 and as of typing this I have been queuing into groups for 10+ for +45 min with 0 invites. Every group would rather take a Pally or Frost DK instead of a warrior, cause why not? Their dmg is just as good but they bring way more to the group. And with the state of M+ every is sooooo picky is just bad for the game.
Hi Zarlunce, I have offered multiple times across various threads (including the one you yourself started) to group up with you and help you bridge that gap into the 10s as youve done a lot of work and are at a true wall.
You have not responded a single time to any of my invitations, you’ve just ignored it. If you’re this passionate and frustrated why not help yourself when someone is trying to help you? Youre not Darkrime or Prometal who have barely touched m+ and expect to get full 639 from their +5s. You actually have a legitimate grievane
Oh shut up, you malignant troll. Literally nothing you can do will get him invites to keys, and you damned well know it.
The psychology of people like you must be facinating. I honestly don’t know how you look at yourself in the mirror.
As a warrior tank. I never invite a dps warrior nor rogue to my keys 10+. I don’t see any reason to do so. Dk, pally, shaman always in my priority to invite. If I have a shaman healer, the open dps spot would go to either DH or another ranged dps.
If I wasn’t a prot war, then you still had to compete for the last dps spot.
Unfortunately, prot war is very popular this season.
I unsubsubscribed yesterday. This season is just unplayable. I want to play. I literally can’t though. I miss everything about the previous seasons INCLUDING affixes. Keeping the variety that makes every week different is a good thing and adds more depth to the game. It’s a shame how this has gone so wrong. Letting the top 0.1% of competitive players dictate how a game should be made for the other 99.9% is how you get these results.
Uh are you talking to me? Wildly aggressive - I’ve helped multiple people on this forum with keys. It’s funny how the low-skill, lazy players always call me toxic while all I offer is constructive, game-centric criticism. Meanwhile you immediately resort to name calling. So classic. Rules for thee but not for me energy
Could be considered toxic though. Going into different threads and implying that rshams should not receive bug fixes simply because they’re meta could be slapped under being toxic.
M+ fatigue is coming sooner this time.
They won’t be able to recover later in the expansion. Remember Azerite/artifact power farming, SL grinds. As soon as people notice the scam they just leave for good .
Meta is a real deal. I just got invited into a GB8 as a 613 prot war with no GB done before
When I checked in the queue list, there was prot pally with 618 ilvl. He even had like higher rio than me . He was only worse than me in max timed key, his best was 9, while mine was 10.
The irony here is astounding.
Wow so much in just one post.
I was playing ret and got hard stuck around 2200 even though ret is very powerful at the moment right now, if not S tier then A+. I switched to Frost Dk and shot up to 2500. The meta is basically like a +3 ilvl onto your “resume” when applying to groups for sure.
I have many friends telling me the grind to 450 Runed and Gilded Crests (which goes up to 540 Tuesday) is way too much per toon and it’s killing being able to work on alts. To the point where people will not even spend crests on their alts until their mains surpass the ilvl needed for the warband crest discount for that type. Combined with how slowly we will be acquiring mythic track loot from the vaults and those alts continue to fall behind the curve until again the main reaches the crest discount at least for Runed at a minimum. The alt catch-up mechanics are in the game like all the Runed Harbringer crests you get for renowns 20+ but mosy people won’t start seeing those benefits for another 2-3 weeks so again it feels a bit bad currently, but hopefully isn’t as painful later on.
Interesting, ret is my fav pick after DK. The reason DK is my top pick is the grips are so essential this season on top of the tentacles clear for Grim.
Yeah, I would play one main at the time, it’s too exhausting to maintain multiple chars.
The current cutoff for the top 10% of M+ rankings is ~2400. Yes people wanting meta is certainly an issue but you’re above 90% of people who have tried M+ this season. The majority of participants are just not there yet.
Tbf, Outlaw rogue is kinda meh. He can’t compete with other dps specs to be invited.
I don’t want handouts; I am more than capable of this content. You offering to group with me does not solve the core issues we are discussing, thank you for the offer…
That’s your problem, rogues don’t have the essential key utility these days. No lust, no dispel, no bres, no thicc wogs or ams or darkness. Shroud isn’t really necessary. Not great at dealing with half of the weekly affixes (orb burst, or dispel one). Sad times