Doing Mythic Painsmith and the spike balls are coming in later than usual. This is the second week it has been this way (only on Thursday) and the tell is that the flame jets and axes are out of sync on the way to Painsmiths encounter room. Anyone else have this problem?
Update: Make sure everyone is logging out outside of the instance, that appeared to fix our issue.
That and the other timings are off as well, Traps being the big one. Where we dont have enough time to clear all the traps before the wave of spikes reaches us.
There’s also marked raid wide lag when adds spawn. We’ve got the ball wall off by enough seconds that they’re still active when the tanks getting hammer. On a fight that’s very mechanically dependent… its near impossible to execute when timing is off.
In case it helps track down the issue, the other night we raid is Tuesday (both nights are 9pm to 12am EST). Tuesday nights seem fine, so maybe since Thursday is our second raid night there’s a new bug with how raid states are being saved between multiple days?
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Made a raid and stealthed in today, the flames are not active and the axes are swinging in time. Could it be that there is just an issue with Thursday?
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What are the chances anyone at Blizz even looks at these things? I mean if it wasn’t the only option for reporting bugs I would understand but come on… Customer service much?
Maybe we should try submitting a ticket on Microsoft Support. Or maybe submit a bug report through Xbox Live. Its a shame that we have to wait a full week for a cookie cutter response these days. Imagine if there were still in game GM’s that could pop in and see our issue?
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Careful now, we dont want to get flagged for trolling. Forum posts are serious business
Edit: I guess they’d have to read these to flag people.
We have tried to make sure that no one logged out in the instance. I checked today and it seems the flames are not active and the axes are in sync. Will update tomorrow.
So, without any input from Blizz I would say that if you get to mythic Painsmith and his timings are off make sure that no one logs out in the instance before the next attempt and that seemed to fix it for us.