Mythic Nyalotha in Dragonflight

How difficult would it be to solo on a 350 Death Knight?

That being said I don’t mind making a raid group for it too, leading it and all that. What would be the minimum number needed? I don’t mind bring in 25 people for it, but what’s the minimum needed?

Also do I have to farm the cape and all that for it too?

I want to get the mythic death knight tentacle armor for my Void Elf DK.

I couldnt even solo normal on my pally ra den puts an hp debuff on you that will eventually get you 1 shot

Mythic is capped at 20, and the more people the merrier, especially geared. Ashjra’kamas is required for both Carapace and N’zoth, though. I think they also changed the drop amounts from a fixed 4, but I can’t remember. I’ve mostly been running SL stuff.

You can survive and skip Xanesh’s mechanic (if you even get it, depending on DPS) with high enough HP or some cooldowns. Otherwise, good luck teaching people N’zoth’s mindgate phases, and how not to get MC’d.

  1. You aren’t soloing BFA raids right now. The legacy buff won’t kick in until next expansion and basically all of them have mechanics that effectively make the bosses impossible to kill if you’re by yourself. Expect said mechanics to get altered later on in Dragonflight’s life.

  2. You absolutely need the cape for Carapace and N’zoth no matter how geared you are otherwise. There’s no getting around it.

  3. If you’re running Mythic, the minimum number needed is “as many as you can bring as long as that number is 20 or lower” and the max number is 20. Seriously, on the current patch, bring as many people as you can, and make sure they’ve all picked up the cape because they’re getting deleted by Carapace and N’zoth if they didn’t.

You can kill him before you die but you need very good gear. I got him to 3% before dying last week, haven’t tried it yet with another week of loot on me.

I have no idea, but you owe it to all of us to try! I believe in you!!! :smiley:

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